Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, May 19, 2014


Kieran showed no real interest in food until last month. Jon and I were actually talking about how he didn't seem intrigued by food yet while I ate an apple and Kieran sat in my lap. As if to prove us wrong, he started grabbing at the apple and put it to his mouth. Anytime I took it away to take a bite he would cry until I returned it to him.

We waited a few more weeks and then when K hit the 6 month mark we let him try some avocado at dinner. He was in love and has been eating "dinner" with us every night since. So far he has had avocado, yams, carrots, pears, peas, and apples. All of which he has seemed to like. We try to let him feed himself using chunks of soft food he can pick up with his hands and also stuffed in the Munchkin mesh feeder.. He is pretty good at making a mess and I usually assist with a spoon. Since we are experiencing such warm weather right now we've been stripping him down nudy to minimize stain removal. Here are a few pictures of the K-Man in his first forays into eating (and one with a straw cup).

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