Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Six Months

A few people have recently commented on how much older Kieran seems. These are people that see him fairly regularly and I don't think they are referring to his size. He just seems so mature all of the sudden. I feel like six months is a pretty big age for a baby and Kieran seems to be progressing just great. We are still waiting for his first tooth and swear each week that it has to be poking through soon, but nothing yet. He's also gone from not caring at all what we are eating to trying to grab any food he can reach out of our hands or off of our plates. He got his first taste of food tonight. He actually ate a bunch of avocado and absolutely loved it!

In general, Kieran has a great demeanor and still is pretty mellow. He definitely has gotten more particular about sleeping and won't really crash out in someone's arms anymore. I also almost exclusively nurse him in his room, usually when it is quiet or a sound machine is turned on. He is easily distracted and once he hears something going on he will immediately stop nursing even if he was all about it 30 seconds earlier. You can imagine the challenge this brings with a toddler in the house!

We think Kieran is going to be our adventurous kid. He loves being tossed in the air, flown "airplane" style on our feet, and nothing gets a bigger laugh out of him than surprising him with a "boo" or jumping out from around the corner.

He has started to roll a few times in succession and I will find him completely off the quilt I've laid him down on when I've quickly gone to the kitchen. He is definitely becoming mobile so that will bring a whole new set of logistics to our daily routines. He likes to be standing and can hold himself up really well, even unsupported. He's not as big a fan of sitting but is getting closer to being able to do so unassisted.

This week I am taking him to the allergist. We still don't know if we will be going forward with allergy testing at that point or not, but we are hoping to get some clearer answers on my diet, his future diet, and the timing of testing if that's what should be done. Keep your fingers crossed and send good thoughts and prayers our direction.

Monthly Statistics

Weight: 16lbs 3oz

Height: I'll have an update for you next month after our doctor's visit

Clothing Size: Short sleeves, shorts, and pants are all size 6 month. He can still squeeze into 6 month one pieces but I have him mainly in size 9 month. He continues to be long and lean so things are tight from neck to crotch but then super baggy around his tummy and even legs.

Kieran likes: His play mat, his car seat, tummy time, sensory books, teething rings, taking baths, Mam pacifiers, bouncing/jumping, being sung to, dancing, being tossed in the air, playing patty cake, watching Reed do anything, watching Dad make silly faces, bedtime books, being held by Mom, and his lovey (Max).

Kieran dislikes: Having his clothes changed/taken off, losing his pacifier in bed, being distracted while nursing, and being overtired.
Nicknames: Kier, K, K Dawg, K-Man, Kierito, Baby Bear, Goldilocks (this is from Reed), Lovebug, Cuddle Bug, and Sneezy.

How Kieran is sleeping:  Kieran sleeps with a pacifier and a lovey, he's zipped into a sleep sack and we have a sound machine playing in his room. He typically takes 3 naps during the day. Usually one of these is around 30-45 minutes and the other two are 1.5 hours or slightly longer. He is usually awake 2-2.5 hours between naps. His bedtime is 7:30pm and then he usually wakes around 1:00am for a feeding. He goes back down easily but then is up again around 5:00am. Lately he is ready for the day at this point. He coos, screeches, and babbles and wants nothing to do with sleep. I usually rock him or walk with him but give up around 6:00am and let him "wake-up" for the day.

Favorite Moment: We were over at C and Tio's house and they had an old helium balloon which Kieran fell in love with. First he was mesmerized just looking at it, then Jon would run toward the balloon while holding him and he would let out a loud guffaw and then grab on to the balloon. It was amazing seeing how much his hand eye coordination has improved but even more special was how much fun he and Jon had together. It was one of their first real fun solo play sessions.

04/05/14 First time wearing a bow tie
04/10/14 Screeching begins
04/11/14 K's first trip to the river (unfortunately it only had about 2 inches of water in it)
04/21/14 Kieran begins to be able to support himself standing while holding on to something
04/22/14 We let Kieran try a sippy cup of water for the first time
04/24/14 K-Man starts making the funniest sniffing sound with his nose - he looks like an angry little rabbit when he does it
04/28/14 Kieran is now able to roll over multiple times and can "move" across a room doing so
05/04/14 K's first taste of solids - Avocado was a huge hit
Favorite Photo Shoot Outtake:

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