Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Seven Months

I've been really thinking a lot lately about how much I appreciate Kieran for the baby he is. For the most part he is predictable, even tempered, content, and a pleasure of a Kiddo. The only time he normally gets fussy is if he's tired and a pacifier, lovey, and a crib (or car seat, or carrier, or sometimes even Mom's arms) take care of that rather quickly. I honestly lay Kieran down when he is acting tired and only rarely have to go back into his room. His naps are usually over an hour long and after a few weeks of very early wake-ups we are back to him getting up between 6:30 and 7:00 am (thank you blackout curtains). He still normally wakes twice at night and he is definitely hungry. Although I would love for that to drop to one or zero wake-ups I understand that it is a lot easier to get a good feeding in when it is dark and quiet in the house versus with a fun big brother running around distracting you, so I'm not to the point of trying to change anything just yet.

Kieran loves being in the car and will play with a toy or sleep pretty happily. He has really enjoyed starting to eat solids and I now let him feed himself most of his own food. He still is only just eating at dinnertime, but it is a lot of fun to have a family dinner every night that includes him. K also has made the transition to sitting to play a lot of the time and it is so nice to be able to plop him down on the kitchen or laundry room floor without worrying about him teetering over. At least once or twice a month there is a day or two that he is a nightmare though and we think that his first tooth must be coming in - yet he still has no teeth. So no, he is not perfect, but we really do expect a lot from him and are usually pleasantly surprised with how well he lives up to those expectations.

Monthly Statistics

Weight: 16lbs 12oz

Height: 27 inches (per the Pediatrician at the end of May)

Clothing Size: He fits in 6 and 9 month clothing. He's so thin and lanky not much is tight on him, but 6 month stuff tends to be short while 9 month stuff is super baggy around the waist.

Kieran likes: Eating, taking walks, bath time, riding in his car seat, watching Reed do anything, the jumperoo, being sung to, watching people make funny faces, being tossed in the air, his lovey Max, and Perrito his stuffed animal pacifier.

Kieran dislikes: Having his clothes changed/taken off, waking up hungry, being distracted while nursing, having something taken out of his hands, and being overtired.
Food: So far he has had Avocado, Apples, Banana, Apricots, Peaches, Carrots, Yams, Butternut Squash, and Zucchini.
Nicknames: Kier, K, K Dawg, K-Man, Kierito, Goldilocks, Lovebug, Buddy, Buddy Bear, Sweetheart, and Sneezy.

How Kieran is sleeping:  Kieran still sleeps in a sleep sack with a pacifier and two loveys, with the sound machine going. He goes to bed around 7:30 and usually wakes twice during the night to nurse. The past few days he was been waking around 6:45 (after 10 days of 5:15 wakeups and the wonderful discovery of blackout shades). He usually takes three naps. One in the morning that is usually 1.5-2 hours long, the second in the early afternoon of the same length, and then a short one in the late afternoon lasting only 30-45 minutes. Some days there are only two naps.

Favorite Moment: A few times Kieran has burst out in laughter just watching or hearing something he thought was funny. Once he started laughing uncontrollably just because I was laughing. Another time Kieran and I were sitting in a giant cardboard box with Reed pretending to drive it as a car, Kieran couldn't catch his breath he was laughing so hard. Jon also got to experience the laughter when K was sitting in his lap while he played a video game - he started laughing out each time there was a fart noise.
05/23/14 Kieran's first time sitting up unassisted for over one minute
05/26/14 The Kiddo's first time in the pool
05/26/14 K's first time sitting in a booster seat for dinner
05/30/14 Although he doesn't get to meet Lyla until a few days later, he gets to be in the hospital for his cousin's birth

Favorite Photo Shoot Outtake:

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