Reed has been very into right vs. left and time the last few weeks. When asked which hand is his right or left he is almost always correct in his response. He also loves to ask what time something is going to be happening and usually follows that up with a question of am or pm? Often when he tells me something happened during his day I will ask "when did that happen?" He usually replies something along the lines of "at 6:00 pm." Lyla has been a big topic in our house this past month as well, and you will see that manifest itself in a few of the things that he has said.
After Lyla was born we asked Reed if he could remember her name and he said "Lyla, but I call her Meatball" (his nickname for her when C was pregnant).
I ran to my room to throw workout clothes on one day and in the ninety seconds that the Monkey was out of my sight he managed to unlock and open the front door. To my horror when I came out of my room the door was ajar and Reed was standing outside. Luckily he was just on the front porch and we have since childproofed the door knob. When I asked Reed what he was thinking when he opened the door and went outside he replied that he was "just checking the weather."
Reed knows that I used to do ballet and I've shown him a few moves that he likes to bring out from time to time. One day he was showing me arabesque and pliƩ and I told him he had done a great job. He then proceeded to tell me that "Pepe told me only girls do ballet. Pepe told me a lot of things."
If he is having an early morning and Jon is still asleep I will let him go in and wake Dad up. One particularly early morning I explained that Dad was sleeping but that we could go in and wake him up in a little bit. He responded with "Dad's asleep like you're not!" Thanks bud - I hadn't noticed!
The Kiddo has learned a few Italian words from Papa so one night when I had made an Italian meal and was walking Reed over to the dinner table I asked if he could think of any Italian words. He responded with "Hold-a-Me" while pinching his fingers together and doing an exaggerated "Italian" shake with them.
We have a babysitter that comes one of the days that I work and she happens to be the girlfriend of one of our co-workers. When I was at work one day he told me that she had texted him because she was dying laughing over Reed requesting "spa water." When she had asked him what spa water was he had responded very exasperated that it was "water with cucumber and lemon."
When he gets overly excited and starts tripping up his words or stuttering trying to find the right word he often times stops and will say "my tongue is going crazy!"
The other morning I was getting ready when I noticed Reed was using a set of make-up brushes that he usually plays with to actually pretend to apply make-up. When I asked what he was doing he told me that he was "doing makeup to be a girl, so I can be a Mom for my babies."
On the way up to the cabin last weekend I was stopped at a stop sign for a little bit waiting for the cross traffic to clear up. Out of nowhere the Monkey shouted "slow down people" at the oncoming traffic.
When Grandma was watching the boys earlier this week she asked Reed if Lyla had been at dinner on Sunday. He said "yes, she is soooooo cute!"
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