Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, July 14, 2014

Goodbyes and Hellos

My brother and his family are getting ready to make a big move to the Pacific Northwest. We are excited for them as they are moving close to Aunt Kari's family and it will be nice to have Grandparents on hand to help out with the kids. They definitely will be much farther from us with this move, but hopefully that will just mean that we plan ahead better and carve out special vacation and Holiday time with them in the future. This past weekend they came to town for a final goodbye. G-Mama also came down and stayed with us. Reed and Kieran loved their special time with her and we all had a very busy few days of kiddo bonding, catching-up, and tearful farewells.

On Friday we went to Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner. It was so neat seeing how much four month old Haleigh has changed since Easter and how much fun Reed and Annaliese have together. Even though they are still babies, Kieran and Haleigh loved hanging out together and were in fits of giggles when they first saw each other.

On Saturday Grandma and Grandpa hosted a going away party and invited family and close friends. Reed had a ball playing outside all afternoon despite the heat and I had to keep reminding him to drink water.

Auntie M and Haleigh

Kieran and Grand Aunt Penny

To round out our busy weekend Jon's college roommate Phil, his wife Kelly, and their daughters Maya and Lana made a stop at our house to watch the World Cup final on their long trek from Northern California back down to San Diego. This was their first time meeting Kieran so that was fun. Reed was pretty cute with the girls and just wanted them to play with him. He kept running up to Maya, touching her shoulder, saying tag, and running off. It took a bit for them to warm up to him but finally they all had a great time when Reed pulled out some plastic eggs and they took turn hiding and hunting them.

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