Last month I failed to mention that we took Kieran to the Allergist and ended up having him tested for a soy allergy, it came back negative. This means he doesn't have an allergy, but doesn't rule out an "intolerance" which is way less scary, but still a little concerning. I've attempted having soy twice since then and he's seemed to handle it just fine which at this point means I'm no longer on any kind of restricted diet and that we believe we may have a food allergy free kiddo!!! This is great news because Kieran has definitely developed a love for eating and now eats 2-3 meals a day with us. He always has food at dinner time and then if he is awake when Reed and I eat Breakfast and/or Lunch he will join us as well. At eight months I really only planned on him regularly eating two meals a day but I also subscribe to the "listen to your baby" methodology when it comes to solids/weaning so I'm just letting him dictate what he wants to do. He still is nursing 4-5 times a day and 1-2 times overnight so that is great.
The Little Guy spends a good chunk of time each day in a sitting position and can get himself back to laying down quite easily. He is working on pulling himself up to standing, which he can do from my lap but hasn't figured out how to do by himself from the floor. He also really, really, really wants to crawl but at this point only manages to scoot himself around in a circle with each turn equating to a louder and louder cry.
Monthly Statistics
Weight: 17lbs 6oz
Height: Didn't attempt a home measure this month
Clothing Size: Pretty much everything is size 6-9 month or 9 month. He is still long and lean so things are tight from shoulder to crouch but pretty darn baggy around his mid-section.
Teeth: New Category!!! 2 bottom front teeth
Kieran likes: EATING, taking walks, DODGER (and all other dogs/cats), bath time, riding in his car seat, watching Reed do anything, pool time, being tossed in the air, his toy table, reading books, his lovey Max, and Perrito his stuffed animal pacifier.
Kieran dislikes: Having his clothes changed/taken off, diaper changes, waking up hungry, being distracted while nursing, having something taken out of his hands, being told "no" and being overtired.
Food: As I mentioned above he LOVES eating and we haven't found anything he dislikes so far. New additions to his diet this month have included: broccoli, potatoes, cucumber, eggplant, puffs (made for babies), refried beans, Trader Joe O's, fish, pita bread fingers, nectarines, and pancakes.
Nicknames: Kier, K, K Dawg, K-Man, Kierito, Cuddlebug, and Baby Bear.
How Kieran is sleeping: This changes weekly. We had a horrible few weeks when his two teeth were coming in, followed by a great week, and now we are back to early wake-ups again! As of right now he goes to bed at 7:30 pm and then usually wakes between 1:00 and 3:00 for a feeding. He then sleeps until around 5:30, nurses again, but most of the time I can't get him back to sleep and around 6:00 let him "get up." His first nap has been falling between 8:00 and 9:00 am and his second around 1:00/1:30. Both naps last about 1.5-2 hours (sometimes 2.5).
Favorite Moment: When we were up at my parent's cabin Kieran was struggling to get to sleep one night and would only calm down if I held him. I decided to take him downstairs and just hold him while I chatted with my parents and then I would try again to lay him down after a bit. He was instantly content in my arms and just slowly fell asleep while I was holding him. He hasn't done that in ages and it reminded me that he really isn't going to be a baby for much longer and that while I would prefer him to go easily to sleep the weight of him sleeping on me is a feeling I will always remember and cherish. I let him lay in my arms way after he fell asleep just enjoying the weight and contentment of a sleeping baby.
06/09/14 Kieran's first tooth pops through (right front bottom)
06/15/14 The Little Guy attempts to sign more at the dinner table
06/19/14 Kieran's first overnight trip
06/20/14 First time taking a bath in a real bathtub
06/21/14 K's first "hike"
06/23/14 He can pull up to standing from my lap
07/01/14 Kind of slept through the night - 10:30 pm to 5:00 am
07/03/14 Kieran's first fireworks
Favorite Photo Shoot Outtakes:
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