Kieran enjoys life so much. He is constantly shrieking with delight over Reed's antics, food, music, and any toys he deems worthy. While he is pretty fun loving we are also seeing a more serious side evolve. He is a pretty determined Kiddo and almost every developmental milestone has come with days (or weeks) of interrupted sleep and fussiness while he works overtime to hone his new skillset. In the moment it is definitely not adorable but I love that this persistence and determination is already such a big part of his personality!
I know Kieran will never be able to experience being an only child or first born, but he really has made our family feel complete and for that he has an equally special role. He will be the last baby I ever nurse, rock in the middle of the night, etc. and with that comes a lot of emotion I didn't expect. He is the one that reminds me how quickly time flies and will provide the end to a lot of the chapters in my life. I'm so proud to be Kieran's Mom and can't wait to see the Little Boy he continues to become!!!
Monthly Statistics
Weight: 20 lbs
Height: 30.25 inches
Clothing Size: Everything is now 12 or 12-18 month, but most pants are way too big around the waist.
Teeth: 7 - 3 on the bottom and 4 on the top
Kieran likes: Playing peek-a-boo, eating, taking Dodger for walks, bath time, balls, watching Reed do anything, his walker/push toy, watching anyone brush their teeth, taking naps, dance parties, being tossed in the air, story time (especially his favorite - I Love you Through and Through book), tickles, crawling/climbing/getting around on his own, drumming on anything but especially trash cans, opening cupboards, sorting and stacking toys, playing guitar with Dad, being held by Mom, and Perrito his stuffed animal pacifier.
Kieran dislikes: Diaper changes, being put in his car seat, being taken out of the bathtub, Mom not holding him, and getting things taken away from him.
Food: Kieran tried eggs and citrus this month with no reaction, woohoo!!! He has also started to show some food preferences but then again one day he will eat a mountain of something and the next day not touch it. Favorites right now are avocado, blueberries, string cheese, oatmeal, and peas. Dislikes are strawberries, raspberries, and squash.
Nicknames: Kier, K, K Dawg, K-Man, K-Bug, Bug, K-Bugger, Bugger, Kierito, Cuddle Bug, and Goldilocks.
How Kieran is sleeping: Bedtime is almost always 7:30 and he sleeps through the night until around 5:00 usually (sometimes there is a 1:00 or 3:00 wake-up). He nurses and usually goes back to sleep until between 6:00 and 7:00am. He takes two naps; one around 9:30 lasting about two hours and another around 2:00 lasting 1.5-2hours.
Words: Momma/Mom, bawl (ball), braw-er (brother), blu (blueberry), uhhh (up), buh (book), uh oh, bye, appp-pull (apple), and mo (more). He also says Ahhhh when I tell him it's time to brush his teeth.
Signs: New Category!!! Eat, ball, more (which sometimes he confuses with ball), sleep, and dog.
Favorite Moment: One day we had eaten an early lunch and Kieran was on schedule to take a later than normal nap. He started acting really fussy but it wasn't his usual tired fussiness. Then he started pointing to his mouth (the sign for eat). I immediately got him a snack and he was as happy as a clam. This little peek into the beginning of communication being a two way street instead of a one woman detective agency is so huge!!!
10/06/14 Kieran makes his first attempt at sharing a toy - Sophie the giraffe with Lyla
10/15/14 The Bug starts putting away toys and stacking nesting boxes
10/17/14 First official road trip/sleepover with other Kiddos - we visited the Mathots in Orange
10/25/14 The Kiddo wore his first costume - Fozzy Bear
10/27/14 Kieran claps for the first time
10/28/14 K figures out how to put the stacking rings back on their little pole.
Favorite Photo Shoot Outtake:
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