The last ten days have been pretty rough because Kieran is cutting four molars all at once. I hate to see my baby in pain and am eagerly awaiting the return of our happy go lucky kiddo!!! Kier has also developed quite the opinion lately - demanding certain foods at meal/snack times and shaking his head and saying "nah" when he doesn't want to do something. K dropped his second nap and is officially taking one nap a day now which has made our mornings a lot more flexible which is nice. All in all he is a great kid and is becoming more of a buddy than a baby every day.
Weight: 22.5 lbs
Height: Didn't measure this month
Clothing Size: Pants are 12-18 months but are starting to get a little short, tops and pajamas are 18-24 months.
Shoe size: We just moved him to a size 6.
Teeth: 11 - Technically he has 4 top front and 4 bottom front teeth. Of the 4 molars he's been working on 3 are poking through so I'm counting those too.
Kieran likes: Taking Dodger for walks, eating, using utensils, swings, slides, bath time, balls, trying to play with Reed, taking naps, dance parties, story time and books, tickles, his play kitchen, opening cupboards, sorting and stacking toys, playing guitar with Dad, being held by Mom, the salad spinner, playing outside, Signing Time DVDs, his quilt from Auntie Amanda that he sleeps with, and Perrito his stuffed animal pacifier.
Kieran dislikes: Diaper changes, being put in his car seat, having his clothes changed, long car rides, having his face wiped, being held when he wants to be doing something else, watching Mom leave, and getting things taken away from him.
Food: Favorites right now are avocado, most fruits, string cheese, yogurt, pita bread and hummus, bagels, granola bars, snap pea crisps, dried fruit, mashed potatoes, pretzels, fruit/veggie purees, graham crackers, hemp milk, muffins, sausage, rice, and peas. He still is all over the board with meat and vegetables gobbling something up one day and refusing it the next.
Nicknames: Kier, K, K-Dawg, K-Man, K-Bug, Bug, Bugger, Kierito, and Goldilocks.
How Kieran is sleeping: Kieran typically goes to bed at 7:30pm. He gets up for good between 6:00 and 6:30am. He had been doing great sleeping through the night or soothing himself back to sleep but the teeth have put a wrench in that a few times now. He also officially only takes one nap now, going down between 11:30 and noon and usually sleeping 2 - 3 hours.
Words: Ahn djan (all done), appp-pull (apple), baawl (ball), nana (banana), baa (bath), bird, bla-ber (blackberry), blu (blueberry), boop (book/boot), bop, bo (boy), braw-er (brother), bye bye, catsh/gat (cat), cher (chair), chetg (change), chee (used for both cheers and cheese), chakin (chicken), cracker, dada, diaper, Dodger, duck, ahh (eye), durl (girl), go, gam-ma/ma-ma (Grandma), bampa (Grandpa), hap (help), hat, hot, kit (kiss), Mom/Momma, mo (more), Nonna, ong (orange), out-si (outside), Papa, pra-el (pretzel), saucth (sauce), choos (shoes), sit/sich (sit), sawk (socks), shoon (spoon), shtop (stop), dat (that), tra-tor (tractor), tu-tul (turtle), uh oh, up, nah-der (water), yah (yes). He also says "baa" when he wants his pacifier.
Signs: All done, ball, banana, bath, bird, boy, bread, change, cheese, dog, eat, fish, girl, go, hat, help, hot, milk, more, orange, please, potty, shoes, sleep, socks, stop, thank you, train, wash hands, water, yes.
Favorite Moment: As hard as it is to leave when I know Kieran is upset it is always nice to get the warm greeting from him upon my return. One day when I got home from work he heard me open the back door and came down the hallway from Reed's room (probably about 80 feet) as fast as he could saying "Mama, mama, mama, mama, mama" and giving me a huge bear hug when he finally reached me. Talk about melting my heart!!!
02/13/15 Kieran is officially weaned
02/17/15 For the first time Kier does most of the walking on a small "hike"
02/22/15 I cut off the "man bun" that was the ridiculous swirl of hair on the back of his head, technically giving him his first haircut.
03/01/15 Kieran does his first craft project - finger painting.
Favorite Photo Shoot Outtake:
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