Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Little Things

The last few weeks have been pretty quiet so we've been finding ways to have some fun at home. I let Kieran attempt his first art project, finger painting, with pretty good success. He even tolerated the rainbow colored artists' beret that I put on his head (it was a gift from a true artist - the boys' G-Momma).

With Kieran now taking only one nap a day the amount of time their naps overlap has greatly increased, this coupled with a four day work trip for Jon meant I had some free time to complete a special quilt for Reed to have at Grandma's house for the days he naps there.

The boys are just that, boys. We have had some knock down drag out fights between the two of them but there have also been some really nice moments of playing together in the last month. We play outside almost daily and it is usually a really fun time for all of us. Soccer, driving cars, digging dirt, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, and picnics are now in the regular rotation. I also broke down and purchased a double jogging stroller and have already put it to good use. Reed and Kieran genuinely seem to like to ride in it together especially if it involves a smoothie stop.

Reed for his part seems to go back and forth between being a sweetheart and a terror. He earns fuzzy balls for good behavior and when the mason jar we put them in is full he earns a fun activity of his choice. This last time he wanted to take a bath in our bath tub, which he absolutely loved, but then didn't listen when we told him to stop pushing the jet button as we were draining the tub which resulted in water being shot all over the bathroom. In honor of St. Patrick's Day I made a fruit rainbow for the boys this morning. As Reed watched me he kept telling me how he didn't want it and that I should stop. I told him it was for Kieran too and he didn't have to eat it. When I got done he was of course in love with the plate and didn't want to share with Kieran, then he proceeded to refuse to eat any of the fruit chunks because he didn't want to mess up the rainbow. The natural solution - we put it in a blender and guessed what color smoothie all of the fruit mixed together would make. You just never know what you are going to get with this kid!

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