When Reed was this age I was pregnant again so I think now watching Kieran leave the baby stage is a lot more sentimental for me knowing he is our last "baby." In truth I love babies but I like kids more and the thought of being able to snuggle our friends' infants and then give them back instead of carting them around, nursing them, and waking in the night with them is pretty exciting. K is already running around all day, rarely likes to stay in my arms, and is pretty independent, I still wouldn't mind a little more snuggling here and there though!!! The tantrums have started to come more frequently, but he has also had a great streak of sleeping through the night, is picking up words left and right, and is generally still a pretty easy kid.
Kieran loves mimicking everyone. If he hears you say something he tries to say it, if he sees Reed do something he tries to do it, if he hears someone laughing he will try to make them laugh more. He also seems to have a great sense of humor. He loves playing peek-a-boo, racing around the dining room table, being tickled, and attacking you when you aren't looking. All of these he usually does with a chuckle and a big grin.
Monthly Statistics
Weight: 23 lbs
Height: Official Doctor update coming next month
Clothing Size: Pants are still 12-18 months but are starting to get a pretty short, tops and pajamas are 18-24 months.
Shoe size: Size 6.
Teeth: 12 - 4 top front teeth, 2 top molars, 4 bottom front teeth, and 2 bottom molars.
Kieran likes: Taking Dodger for walks, feeding Dodger, petting Dodger, giving Dodger treats (notice a trend? He loves his dog so much!), snacking, using utensils, swings, slides, playing with bubbles, bath time, balls, trying to play with Reed, taking naps, playing in the tent, dance parties, story time and books (favorites right now are Pout Pout and Knuffle Bunny Free), tickles, his play kitchen, opening cupboards, sorting and stacking toys, playing guitar with Dad, the salad spinner, playing outside, digging and playing in the dirt, Signing Time DVDs, his quilt from Auntie Amanda that he sleeps with, and his pacifiers.
Kieran dislikes: Diaper changes, long car rides, having his face wiped, being held when he wants to be doing something else, not being allowed to do something with Dodger, watching Mom leave, and getting things taken away from him.
Food: Favorites right now are avocado, most fruits, string cheese, yogurt, pita bread and hummus, bagels, granola bars, snap pea crisps, dried fruit, mashed potatoes, pretzels, fruit/veggie purees, graham crackers, hemp milk, muffins, sausage, rice, fruit bars, smoothies, and peas. He still is all over the board with vegetables - gobbling something up one day and refusing it the next and has really started to avoid most meat.
Nicknames: Kier, K, K-Dawg, K-Man, K-Bug, Bug, Bugger, Kierito, Sweet Pea, and Goldilocks.
How Kieran is sleeping: Kieran typically goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:00 pm. He gets up for good around 6:30am. He has been doing great sleeping through the night and soothing himself back to sleep if he does wake. He takes one nap, going down around noon and usually sleeping 2 - 3 hours. He sleeps in a sleepsack, with two pacifiers (one attached to a blanket and one attached to Perrito), and with a quilt.
Words: This list is getting way to long so from here on out I'm just going to focus on his general communication rather than specific words or signs. The fact that he has so many words is awesome and to be honest I know there are several I haven't remembered to write down.
Ahn djan (all done), ar-play (airplane), appp-pull (apple), Arsa-al (Arsenal), av-cod (avocado), baawl (ball), nana (banana), bas (bath), bird, bla-ber (blackberry), blu (blueberry), boom, boop (book/boot), bop, bo (boy), box, braw (bread), braw-er (brother), bye bye, gat (cat), cher (chair), cha (chalk), chetg (change), chee (used for both cheers and cheese), chakin (chicken), cracker, dada, danth (dance), diaper, Dodger, duck, dum (drum), ees (ears), easy, egth (eggs), ahh (eye), sog (frog), durl (girl), go, gam-ma/ma-ma (Grandma), bampa (Grandpa), blapes (grapes), hap (help), hat, hot, hurpt (hurt), ith (ice), i-pah (iPad), ke-cha (ketchup), kit (kiss), knock knock, ight (light), malk (milk), Mom/Momma, mo (more), Nonna, ongah (orange), awch (ouch), out-si (outside), paa-sa (pacifier), pants, Papa, pech (peach), pee-tha (pizza), pre-pel (pretzel), purple, saucth (sauce), hurts (shirt), choos (shoes), shut, sit/sich (sit), sawks (socks), shoon (spoon), sick (stick), shtop (stop), sthraw-ber (strawberry), swe-sher (sweatshirt), sing (swing), dat (that), toof (tooth), tra-tor (tractor), tu-tul (turtle), uh oh, up, nah-der (water), yah (yes), sabra (zebra). K has started to make animal sounds and will say eee eee (monkey), woo woo (dog), noow (cat), when prompted.
Signs: (Same as above - this is the last month I'm going to keep track of this category) Airplane, all done, ball, banana, bath, bird, boy, bread, change, cheese, dog, duck, eat, fish, girl, go, grapes, hat, help, hot, milk, more, orange, please, potty, shoes, sit, sleep, socks, stop, thank you, train, wash hands, water, yes.
Favorite Moment: Watching Kieran's love for Dodger grow this month has been so great. We take him on a walk every day, but now K is insisting on feeding Dodger a treat when we get done. In the morning when I go out onto the patio to give him breakfast Kieran yells "Dodger, Dodger, Dodger" over and over again at the top of his lungs. At night when I feed the dog K demands that he gets to give him a few pets. When we are in the backyard playing the poor dog is followed around the entire time and Kieran pats him and hugs him whenever he gets the chance. Watching their friendship grow has been really sweet and I think Dodger appreciates the extra attention.
03/14/15 Kieran uses two words together - "more that"
03/19/15 K goes on a run in the jogging stroller with Mom for the first time
03/21/15 Little Guy's first time being away from Mom for more than a night (it was for 2 nights)
03/28/15 Kieran's first time helping bake - he dumped all of the ingredients in the mixing bowl after I had measured them to help make a Birthday Cake for GP Dean.
Favorite Photo Shoot Outtake:
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