Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, May 18, 2015

Dala Horse Trottin'

Since moving to Kingsburg in 2004 I've participated in the Dala Horse Trot 10k each year, including years I was pregnant or needed to push Kiddos in the stroller. It is a race during the town's annual Swedish festival and to be honest, the best part of the event is the Swedish pancakes afterwards. Several of our friends usually participate and so does Grandma. This year I pushed both boys in the jogging stroller (I'm estimating this to be about 100 pounds of kids and equipment) and Grandma was a sweetheart and ran with us the whole time. It was so nice getting to chat with her for 6.2 miles and the boys loved having her along. We set the goal of running the race in under an hour and did just that with a time of 57:05. Reed even got really into the race telling us to pass different groups of people, the first time he yelled something like "we passed you" at two ladies so I had to have a bit of a conversation about race etiquette with him and from then on he would just shout "good job" if we went passed someone.

Some of our other friends participated in the 2 mile race and it was awesome to see the herd of strollers and kids we created after the fact - Me with Reed (3.5) and Kieran (1.5), Shannon (almost 7 months pregnant) with Clara (2), C with Lyla (almost 1), Laurie with Bailey (6 months), and Ashley with Elli (6 months). Luckily Grandma, Russell, and Clara's Aba (Grandma) all stuck around to help the herd feed on pancakes. As I've done in the past I packed Reed pancakes, his butter, and some jam so he could be part of the feed too. Unfortunately this year he decided he really wanted the sausage they were serving with the meal and luckily was appeased when I told him he could have the orange juice instead, since I didn't know if the sausage was safe. I will definitely be bringing sausage along next year! I had a small hope that we would make it to the parade this year but after being out and about for over three hours we made a quick trip to the packed playground with Shannon, Clara, and Aba and called it a day.

Stroller Parking - we are even missing Ashley's stroller in this picture!

1 comment:

  1. I definitely think Reed and I should run together...however I will encourage him to yell at people we pass!;)
