Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day with small children

My Mother's Day started off amazingly when both boys slept until 6:30 am. I say this in all seriousness because while one kid might sleep until then from time to time, it's pretty rare that both do it on the same day. I was quickly snapped back to reality when Reed had a fit that I had made rice pudding in the crock pot overnight, then he was mad that he had to go potty, then he was mad about breakfast again. Jon made me a yummy latte, I received a nice gift from the boys, we took a family walk with Dodger, and then played outside. There were tantrums, there were hugs, there were pants peed in, there were books read, there were diapers pooped in, there were snuggles, there was food spilled. On a day to honor Mothers I got to be a Mom which I find a great privilege but I also can't wait until a few years from now when the boys might be better capable of recognizing all that I do for them.

After their naps we went to Nonna and Pepe's for a wonderful dinner and time spent with family and friends. In addition to our normal Sunday crowd, Gran, Papa, Aunt Di Di, TJ, Chris, and Allie (who is expecting a little girl in September) all joined us.  Reed latched on to Allie immediately and wouldn't stop talking to her. He also gave little mini speeches and cheers to all of the women at the table which was pretty sweet. The boys finished dinner pretty quickly and were back to their usual crazy antics but we managed to herd them to the pool house, open some gifts, have a delicious grilled peach dessert, run around outside, and get a few group pictures in. Kieran was so obsessed with the dessert every time someone put their bowl down he would swoop in grab the spoon and gobble up as much as he could.

It was a nice evening and even though it was well passed bedtime when we got home I still got to get some snuggles and read the boys their bedtime stories which is one of my favorite parts of the day. I had Jon attempt a few pictures, none of which were perfect but because of that were absolutely perfect - isn't Motherhood really what happens between the perfect pictures anyway? These goofballs are my everything and I love them more than I ever imagined was possible!!!

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