Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, June 29, 2015

A Super Birthday

Reed is now in preschool three mornings a week, one of those days I work but the other two I'm home and that means it is just me and Kieran for three hours. I've never had this kind of alone time with The Bug so it's been special for the two of us too. Last Friday our friend Michelle threw a Superhero themed party for her son Ryan who is turning three. I thought about having Reed miss school but since the transition has been tough I didn't want him getting the idea that missing school is allowed. Instead, after we dropped Reed off, K and I headed to the party and had a great time playing in the dirt, eating, playing with kids, eating, watching the piƱata smash, and eating!!! The party was adorable and so much fun - I went as Wonderwoman (I was the only Mom besides Michelle dressed up) and Kieran was dressed as Superman, he's been running around saying "Thuperman" with his hands over his head ever since.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Happy Zoo-day dear Grandma

It's something that has become a bit of a tradition, going to the zoo to celebrate Grandma's Birthday. Every year she asks if for her Birthday she can go to the zoo with me and the boys. The answer, of course, is always yes! This year Grandma had an extended Birthday - we started celebrating early on our trip to Washington, then we had a child-free group dinner out on her actual Birthday, and then this week we made our annual trip to the zoo. It was a hot day but since we only planned on staying for a few hours in the morning it wasn't too bad. We saw quite a few of the animals, including watching the seals and sea lions out swimming, feeding the giraffes, attempting to touch sting rays, and seeing the three new baby warthogs. Another great trip to the zoo in the books - Happy Birthday Grandma!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Father's Day

As we have in the past, we again hosted both sides of the family for Father's Day this year, Aunt Di Di even made the drive over from the coast to be with us. Earlier in the day when we were telling Reed who was coming and that all of the guys were Dads and who was who's Dad I realized just how lucky we are to have so many generations of amazing men in our kids' lives. All night long I was looking around watching how comfortable the boys were interacting with their, Grandfathers, Great-Grandfathers, and Tio and I couldn't help but feel so much love for the family and support system that the four of us have. We had everyone come over before dinner so they could spend time with the kids, then had a lovely dinner, dessert, and a few presents were opened. It was a great night!

Reed showing Lyla the way to Dodger

Apparently this was the Mens couch

Reed was making Kieran crack up during dinner

Kids table

Adult table

Reed telling Di Di a tall-tale

Great Grandpa Dean, Great Grandma Didi, and Grandpa

The Cozzi Family

The Ketelsen Family

Three generations of McClartys up to no good!

Hugs for Grandpa