Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Friday, June 12, 2015

Bellingham, WA Day 3

Friday Kyle and Kari both had the day off of work so we were finally all together for the whole day. I believe this was the day Kieran decided he wanted to sit with the big kids and the three of them broke into spontaneous waving and saying "hi, hi, hi" over and over again to each other. We had grand plans to go to a park, then a marine exploration center, and then out to lunch. The park was so cool with lots of different play toys including a zip line for kids, we ended up spending way too long there. Kieran once again decided he was way older and spent most of the time on the play equipment made for 5-12 year olds. Luckily we packed lunches for the kids because they were begging for food when we got done playing. By the time they finished eating, my two were alternating having meltdowns so we decided heading home for nap time was the best choice. After naps Reed and Annaliese helped me make a Birthday cake for Grandma and we spent more time playing in the backyard, including the kids dumping and pouring sand ingredients to make more cakes. The cutest thing about the Birthday celebration was that after hearing it sung, Kieran made attempts to sing "Happy Birthday" the next two days. It was adorable and I wish I had caught it on video - it was like "Ha-ee, irth-ay, ooo, ooo."

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