Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, June 29, 2015

A Super Birthday

Reed is now in preschool three mornings a week, one of those days I work but the other two I'm home and that means it is just me and Kieran for three hours. I've never had this kind of alone time with The Bug so it's been special for the two of us too. Last Friday our friend Michelle threw a Superhero themed party for her son Ryan who is turning three. I thought about having Reed miss school but since the transition has been tough I didn't want him getting the idea that missing school is allowed. Instead, after we dropped Reed off, K and I headed to the party and had a great time playing in the dirt, eating, playing with kids, eating, watching the piƱata smash, and eating!!! The party was adorable and so much fun - I went as Wonderwoman (I was the only Mom besides Michelle dressed up) and Kieran was dressed as Superman, he's been running around saying "Thuperman" with his hands over his head ever since.

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