Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

A Combo Birthday BBQ

On Saturday we hosted a Birthday BBQ for Reed and Jon. Reed really wanted to have a party with kids again this year, specifically a party with animals and trains and his friends Connor, Clara, and Ryan. Since the boys are all playing soccer right now and the kids all go to preschool on different days I couldn't find a weekday afternoon or weekend morning that would work to get together so I decided to do Saturday night and since Jon's friends also happen to be the kids' parents, and his Birthday is two days before Reed's, I figured we would have a joint celebration for the two of them. I made some train themed party decorations, put out Reed's various train toys including his train set for the kids to play with, along with some wooden animals that fit in the train cars (I convinced Reed this met his "Animal Train" theme request), and we all just spent a couple hours letting the kids hang out, the Moms chatting, and the Dads playing Corn Hole and trivia games. The weather was perfect and the kids all got along really well. Reed was so cute and refused to play with any of his train toys "until his best friends" arrived. The kids all insisted on sitting next to each other at dinner and us adults couldn't help but think about how crazy it is going to be when they are all teenagers in 10 years!!! I think Jon and the guys managed to have a pretty good time too!

Train tent and homemade train Birthday sign

Train track building (and snacking)

Watching the Dads play Cornhole - aka "toddler prison"

Present opening

"Daddy Daycare" - playing online trivia while the kids run around

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