Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Kieran's Actual Birthday

We had plans to celebrate Kieran's Birthday at my parent's cabin over the weekend so Kieran's actual Birthday there wasn't much going on. Since we still wanted to do a few special things I made pancakes for breakfast and we let Kieran open his gifts from us, which he thought was pretty cool. He and Reed played with his new things all morning while I made food for the weekend. Despite Kieran coming down with a fever mid-day we still met Grandma and Grandpa for pizza that night and then the Bug and I continued up the hill and spent the night at the cabin. Unfortunately K got car sick on the windy road but he recovered quickly after he got to open a special Birthday present from Grandma and got a little extra attention from Mom and Grandpa too. It was kind of fun having one on one time with him on his Birthday and I could tell that he was pretty excited for the rest of the weekend too.


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