Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Thursday, December 22, 2016

On The First Day of Christmas

This year Pepe's side of the family decided to celebrate Christmas a week early and do away with the annual gift exchange to make life easier for everyone. With a jam-packed Christmas weekend ahead it was nice to be able to spend an entire evening in one spot and with family we don't get to see all of the time. This celebration is usually one of the last of our Christmas festivities and therefore I'm pretty burnt out with picture taking and rarely take more than a picture or two. This year I pledged to do better, and although I didn't get pictures of everyone I did take quite a few more shots than in the past few years. The highlight of the evening was when the younger kids heard Santa's bells outside and we found a bag full of gifts on the front porch!

Lynette, Auntie P, and Emily

Emily and Kyle

C, Zach, and Jennifer

K and Pepe hashing a plan

Margie, Nonna, and Jon

Lyla having her fingernails painted by Megan

Lyla painting K's nails

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