Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Third and Fourth of July 2017

Once again Fourth of July was a two day event for us. The boys had school on the third and the theme for the day was red, white, and blue so they were excited to wear the shirts they had made in class the week earlier. That evening we went to the Parkinsons for swimming, pizza, dessert, and fireworks. The boys loved every part of the evening but the fireworks were definitely the highlight. Kieran was so into them that he was shouting with excitement describing almost every single explosion - it was hilarious!!! The next afternoon we went to the Suemotos for hot dogs and more swimming. After such a late night the evening before and with school the next day we left pretty early but the boys still had a great time spending more time with their friends.

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