Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Thursday, October 5, 2017

6 Years

I'm still getting used to saying that Reed is six. He really is turning into such a big kid and becoming more and more independent every day. For the most part he is a great kid that likes to follow the rules, tries hard to listen, and is very compassionate. There is a devilish streak to this boy though and he somehow knows how to pull the trigger on bad behavior at the very worst moments possible. He tests my patience quite often and getting everyone out the door in the morning or things wrapped up for the evening often leaves me feeling deflated. I love this kid more than I ever knew possible and even when we butt heads our disagreements are usually short lived and we are back to joking around in no time.

Reed isn't one for trying new things however once he is in a learning environment (school, music, soccer) he is always the kid that wants to go first, raises his hand to answer questions, or volunteers to be a guinea pig. This summer he was one of the only kids at his school willing to hold a giant snake when a reptile guy did a presentation, he was the first to volunteer to play a keyboard solo in his music class, is always asking if he can be his soccer team's captain for the day, and is constantly raising his hand in class to answer questions. I hope as he grows older his confidence remains and he continues to put himself out on a limb and push himself.

I feel like six is such an interesting age. It's as if you are getting your first glimpse at who this person is going to be years down the road and you also have those sentimental tugs mourning all of those things you took for granted that he will never do again. There isn't enough time in the day to do all of the things and capture all of the moments we would like to so we do our best to remember and relish in the highlights and take the low points in stride. I can't wait to see what this next year brings Reed, I know he is up for the challenge and his bravery and strength is a daily inspiration to this proud Momma.

Interesting Facts

Weight: 42 lbs

Height: 3'  9.5"

Clothing Size: For the most part Reed wears a Big Kid XS

Shoe Size: Big Kid 1M or 1.5M depending on the brand

Reed likes: Building Legos, riding his bike, doing math, playing Superheroes and/or Ninja Turtles with Kieran, looking through books (and reading some of the words), playing any Osmos game, playing soccer, and hanging out with friends.

Reed dislikes: Anything that takes patience or time to learn. He is also very particular about his things and hates it when anyone messes with his stuff.

Nicknames: Reedster, Reedcito, Buddy, Monkey, Reed-man,  Darlin', and Reeder.

Food: Reed would eat corn tortillas with avocado and barbecue sauce and a side of steak every day, multiple times a day if I would let him. Other favorites are pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs, pasta, anything barbecued, bagels, Daiya yogurt, lots of snack foods, almost all fruits, meats, grains, and any/all desserts he can eat. He still despises beans and vegetables. He is allergic to dairy, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, and eggs.

Communication: Reed is learning how to spell and read multiple words each week. It is so much fun to read books with him and watch him recognize words he knows and sound out ones he doesn't.

Favorite Subject: Reed absolutely loves math and anything having to do with numbers.

Favorite Color(s): Blue

Best Friends: Reed adores Faith, who was in his class last year, but is in a different class this year. They meet up on the playground everyday and she is the first thing he tells me about when I ask about his day. He also has an awesome school friend, Nikko, who sits with Reed everyday during lunch because he makes sure not to bring any food Reed can't be around. Reed also still loves Connor and Clara and they are always the ones he asks about if we are going to a party or other friend outing. Last but not least is Kieran who he plays with so well and they can spend hours in their own imaginary world dreaming up story lines for superhero rescues or Hot Wheels stunts.

How Reed is sleeping:  He goes to bed around 7:45 pm and sleeps until around 6:15 am most mornings. He sleeps in a twin bed, with a night light and sound machine, as well as 2-3 quilts, girl and boy soft sheeps, and Pooh. He has an hour of quiet time most afternoons but rarely naps.
Milestones over the last year:
Reed learned to ride a bike
He discovered how to make a taco tongue
The Reedster now makes his own bed
Reed took his first commercial flight (to Portland)
The Monkey lost his first tooth in April
Reedman played baseball

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