Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Friday, October 13, 2017

Sarah's Birthday 2017

The morning of my Birthday Jon and the boys surprised me with a homemade Birthday cake. It was such a sweet gesture - Jon had made it from scratch (so it was Reed friendly) while I was out with friends celebrating the night before. The boys loved singing, helping me blow out the candles, and having cake for part of their breakfast too!

That night we met my parents and G-Momma at Eureka burger for a Birthday dinner. We almost didn't get any pictures but Jon managed to snap a few in the almost dark parking lot.

On Sunday Pepe made a special Birthday dinner for me, brownies, and we made s'mores around the outdoor fireplace. It was a great evening (and also very, very sticky).

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