Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Feeling Beachy

As has become a tradition, Pepe and Nonna once again rented a place over in Avila for a month this Winter. We blocked the condo off for the same time period and committed to traveling over as many weekends as we could and hopefully being able to be there the entire last week of the vacation. The first weekend Grandma and Grandpa were able to join us as well. It was great spending time together especially after Grandma had missed all of the Christmas festivities the month prior. We also have a guy from Chile that is doing a part-time internship with us right now and he came over for one of the nights, so it was fun for everyone to get to know him a bit better. A couple of things were established this first weekend that seemed to recur through the rest of our visits . . . Kieran passing out in the middle of a room whenever he was too tired to hang any longer, Jon being Zach's favorite, beach time - specifically football keep away, and lots and lots of games.


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