Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Weekends #2 and #3 in Avila

After a fun first weekend, we managed to make it back to Avila the following two weekends too. We had planned a meet-up with Jon's UCSD friends and their families but unfortunately illness struck two of the families at the last minute and our weekend looked like it was going to be a bit of a bust (Mikael and Erin were always going to make it so it still would have been fun to spend time with them). Luckily a couple of our local friends decided they could make the trek and we ended up having a super fun weekend away after all!!!

The following weekend we went to a Mike Birbiglia show with C and Tio and then just had a nice time hanging out with the family for the rest of the weekend. It was definitely a nice restful two days away.

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