Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Saturday, May 12, 2018

April 2018 Happenings

Besides staying busy with school, music classes, baseball practice, and work we also managed to fit a lot of fun into April. At the beginning of the month Reed won an award at the district wide art fair and he was so proud to show off his masterpiece (his is on the right)!!!

A few days later I was able to chaperone his class on a fieldtrip to the zoo. We had a great time checking in on our favorite animals and it was so special to be with some of the kids who were at a zoo for the first time.

My friend Katie is now working at Cru Winery and invited us to their 15th anniversary party. It so happens some of our friends from work were there too (one is roommates with another employee). We had a great time sampling their wines and catching up. Jon and I even managed to go out to dinner after - I can't even recall the last time we went out just the two of us.

After hearing about Reed's fieldtrip Kieran was super jealous but luckily his class went to the Firestation the next week. He was pretty excited when we were walking there but then just clammed up when we got to the station. He didn't want to go inside any of the vehicles or meet any of the firefighters. It's fun that C and Erin are both Moms in the class too and I look forward to many fieldtrips together in our future!

For Jeffrey's Birthday he had a Monster Truck theme that the boys thought was awesome. Mikael even built a mini arena for all the kids to do stunts in. Mikael and Erin rigged the piñata with 5 different compartments of candy so the fun was on repeat while all of the kids took turns swinging. Of course Erin was a sweetheart and filled the entire piñata with Reed friendly candy. I think the boys would have stayed forever if I hadn't forced them to leave well after bedtime.

The very next day was John and Alice Hart's 4th Birthday party. The boys don't really know the twins but Lee and I have been friends for 25 years and always find it ridiculous that our kids don't know each other better. I was so excited that we were able to make it to the party and celebrate these two cuties. Lee even managed to get a picture with me and Amanda - something we have far too few of.

We ended our string of Birthdays by attending Emilia's First Birthday party. The boys both managed to wish Emilia a Happy Birthday but were much more interested in playing with the bigger kids, hitting the piñata, jumping in the bounce house, and playing trains. Denae won big points with the boys when she dumped out an entire bag of dum dums after the piñata was broken. I thought Kieran ended up with nearly all of them until I saw Serena walking around with a fistful of her own!

The Fresno Football Club had a Sunday game and we convinced Pepe, Nonna, C, Tio, Lyla, and Zach to come along to watch. I'm not sure how much of the game the kids even saw but they had a great time playing with each other and it was so nice to finely be able to sit outside in the evening and enjoy some nice weather.

The last weekend of the month I was out of town for our annual Girls Weekend trip. Unfortunately the first night away was Reed's Open House. I didn't feel too bad about missing it since I'm in his classroom once a week, but I still made Jon promise to send me pictures from the evening.

Meanwhile us ladies were having a grand time on the Central Coast horseback riding, wine tasting, shopping, and most importantly enjoying some kid free meals!!!

I have to say April was a pretty fun month but there definitely was another theme to the month that I noticed when going through my pictures - Kieran being super silly. This kid is such a comedian, I have to share at least a few of these pictures.

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