It's hard to believe this will be the last half year post I plan to ever do. While Kieran seems like a fairly mature four year old the thought of us being on the countdown to his fifth Birthday just boggles my mind. K is my cuddly kid. If we sleep in the same bed he must be touching me (or laying completely across me) at all times. If he is upset, even if I'm the one who is upsetting him, he usually just wants to be held. He is typically pretty easy going, letting Reed dictate the games they play and the rules they play by most of the time. However if this kid is hungry or tired he's pretty unreasonable and inconsolable. Usually when we get to that point he is fine once fed or if he can get comfortable somewhere he will pass out just about anywhere.
Kieran still takes a short nap on the days when he is at school and then naps are hit or miss when he is with the Grandmas or me. The kiddo is pretty tough and doesn't have a lot of fear but is going through a big anti-social phase. He rarely likes talking to adults and will usually clam up anytime he is put on the spot or spoken to. Kier is a little sponge and has learned a ton at school this year. When Reed reads to us at night he gets frustrated with how slow he goes and often will just try to read himself in hopes of being faster. This cute kiddo is so funny and truly one of my favorite people. We just love him to pieces and have found a lot of joy in watching him grow up so far!!!
Interesting Facts
Weight: 34.5 lbs
Height: 42 inches
Clothing Size: 4T and 5T tops and pajamas, he can still fit in 3T shorts, and we go back and forth between 3T and 4T pants but both are still big around the waist
Shoe Size: 11
Kieran likes: Playing with Superheroes, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Hot Wheels. He loves playing soccer, riding his bike, and doing anything outside or with Reed. Screen time favorites are Paw Patrol, Octonauts, Magic School Bus, movie nights, and watching soccer and baseball with Jon. He also loves working in the garden and playing with Dodger.
Weight: 34.5 lbs
Height: 42 inches
Clothing Size: 4T and 5T tops and pajamas, he can still fit in 3T shorts, and we go back and forth between 3T and 4T pants but both are still big around the waist
Shoe Size: 11
Kieran likes: Playing with Superheroes, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Hot Wheels. He loves playing soccer, riding his bike, and doing anything outside or with Reed. Screen time favorites are Paw Patrol, Octonauts, Magic School Bus, movie nights, and watching soccer and baseball with Jon. He also loves working in the garden and playing with Dodger.
Dislikes: Overall there isn't really anything he detests. He has definitely become more competitive with Reed and is much more likely to speak his mind if he doesn't like something.
Nicknames: Kier, K, K-Bug, Bug, Cuddle Bug, Boo
Food: This kid is a Snacker. He loves cheese, crackers, fruits, salami, prosciutto, nuts, and hard boiled eggs. I often joke about how he's going to be the best wine tasting buddy when he gets older. If asked he will say his favorite food is pizza. His favorite pizzas are olive, sausage, or pepperoni. He also loves anything with cheese - quesadillas, grilled cheese, mac n cheese. At home he sticks to a pretty Reed friendly diet but he loves eating out and being able to order things we don't get at home. Kieran's favorite places to eat are In-N-Out, Bella Rose, and Starbucks.
Communication: Kier has a pretty big vocabulary and I love watching people's reaction when he uses a big word. He knows all of his letters (upper and lower case) and what sounds they make. He can also write his own name as well as Reed's.
Favorite Color(s): Blue
Best Friends: He loves to play with Connor and is so excited to get to school on the days he is there and K typically plays with Lyla and Jeffrey during preschool. He loves his brother so much and the feeling is definitely mutual. When the boys are getting along they are as thick as thieves and I can only hope they stay this close all of their lives.
Communication: Kier has a pretty big vocabulary and I love watching people's reaction when he uses a big word. He knows all of his letters (upper and lower case) and what sounds they make. He can also write his own name as well as Reed's.
Favorite Color(s): Blue
Best Friends: He loves to play with Connor and is so excited to get to school on the days he is there and K typically plays with Lyla and Jeffrey during preschool. He loves his brother so much and the feeling is definitely mutual. When the boys are getting along they are as thick as thieves and I can only hope they stay this close all of their lives.
Favorite Number: 10
How K is sleeping: He goes to bed around 7:30/8:00 pm and sleeps until between 6:15 and 6:45 am most mornings. He sleeps in a twin bed, with a night light and sound machine on. In bed he has his Star Wars blankie and usually a couple stuffed animals. He still stock piles random toys in his bed most nights as well. As mentioned above, he will nap for about 45 minutes if he's tired in the afternoon.
How K is sleeping: He goes to bed around 7:30/8:00 pm and sleeps until between 6:15 and 6:45 am most mornings. He sleeps in a twin bed, with a night light and sound machine on. In bed he has his Star Wars blankie and usually a couple stuffed animals. He still stock piles random toys in his bed most nights as well. As mentioned above, he will nap for about 45 minutes if he's tired in the afternoon.
Milestones over the last six months:
The Bug gets dressed almost every morning all by himself
Kieran learned how to ride a 2-wheel bike
His first freckle appeared
K has started to do a great job writing his name
He can clear his plate from the table
Kier was invited to a party for a friend he made at school
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