Wow, where to begin? It is hard to believe it's been a whole month since we brought the little man home, but at the same time it is hard to remember life without him. While some days are better than others, it is amazing that a tiny smile or cute cuddle can erase all of the sleep deprivation, frustration, and concerns in an instance. Looking back through a month of pictures it is amazing to see how much Reed has grown and changed already!
What a difference a month makes!
It is also so neat to see how many amazing people are in our son's life. I didn't count, but I would venture to guess that Reed has been held by somewhere around 25 different people, introduced to somewhere around 50, and there are still a lot more out-of-towners he'll be meeting in the coming weeks and months. We are so lucky to have the friends and family that surround and support us and who will be there for Reed as he grows up. Last week he had the chance to meet his Great Grandma Joan for the first time:
Then Jon's Grandparents joined us for Sunday dinner . . .
. . . and so did Chris and Allison . . .
Tough Guys
Sweet Girls
Even though it was Tio Drew's Birthday, Reed got presents too:
Pink Crocs to match Tio's
In this first month we have already learned so much as parents. I think the biggest lesson I've taken away is to not try to do everything at once. When we first got home I was overwhelmed with taking care of a newborn and trying to assemble and learn how to use all of the baby related gizmos and gadgets we had received. Basically if you can feed and diaper a baby you are fine and all of the other stuff can be added-in down the road. I gave up on trying to be "Super Mom" and decided to just take one thing at a time. Car seat, Nail Clippers, Swing, Breast pump, Baby Bjorn, Playmat, Baby Bath, Pak 'N Play, Cloth Diapers, all have been somewhat mastered. Up next - the baby monitor and strollers.
Look who likes bath time now
So something I haven't talked about yet is how we came up with the name Reed William. A few people have asked, so I thought I would share. Since we didn't know the sex of the baby we wanted to have a girl name and a boy name picked out when we went to the hospital. For some reason the girl name was really easy for us but we just couldn't settle on a boy's name we liked. At one point I was flipping through a book of like 25,000 baby names and I told Jon just to stick his finger on a page, he did, and the name he landed on was "Reed." We both immediately said how much we liked the name and it was one of our front runners from there on out. Once the little guy was born we thought he definitely looked like a Reed and so we went with it. William was much easier for us to land on; Jon's Paternal Grandfather's first name was William as is my Dad's middle name (it also goes back generations on the Gillette side).
Monthly Statistics
Weight: 10 1bs
Eye Color: Blue
Can't live without: Baby Bjorn, WubbaNubs, Burp Cloths, Swing
Reed loves his WubbaNub
Nicknames: Reedster, Reedcito, Baby Bear, Duder, Frogger
Favorite Moment: Bringing Reed home was such a special moment for us. I still get tears in my eyes every time I think of Jon carrying Reed around to all of the different rooms in the house and telling him what he would be doing in them with us in the future.
Where/How is Reed sleeping:
Reed loves sleeping with his arms over his head
in his swing or bouncer
Milestones:09/20/11 Reed is born
10/07/11 His umbilical cord stump falls off
10/16/11 Reed's first official public outing
10/21/11 We start getting smiles from the little guy
Embarrassing Picture:
Yes, future girlfriends, that is hair on the outside of his ear!!!