Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Introductions Part #2

So Reed has been quite the social butterfly in his first 11 days of life. Here are some highlights from his newest "Meet and Greets"

Aunt "C" and Tio Drew Actually got to hold Reed this time!

 Cameron aka "The Baby Whisperer" and Allison (Chris isn't quite into holding babies)

Stand-in Grandpa and Grandma - Mark and Penny

Cousins!!! Melissa and Greg

*****Picture Missing****

On Wednesday Jon's Aunt Paula came over during her lunch hour. She snuggled with Reed the entire time and I failed to snap a single pic. I guess she'll just have to come over again sometime soon!

Uh-Oh Russell - Laurie looks way more comfortable with a baby!

Laura and Reed
(Mason is waiting until he can "hold his head up on his own")

Reed's Spanish tutors - Kevin and Shannon

Heidi getting some baby holding practice in
her first is due in February

 Karl approving of the name "Reed"


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