Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Week 4

Week 4

I can't believe Reed is going to be a month old tomorrow. I will do a post to celebrate the big occasion, but in the meantime I'll get you caught up on what we've been up to this past week.

The first half of the week was pretty routine - lots of eating, pooping, sleeping, and going for walks. Both Grandmas got a chance to watch Reed for a few hours while I got some work done on Tuesday and Wednesday and Papa Jay even swung by to say hi.

On Thursday I decided to brave the world of cloth diapering. I will do a separate post on this topic someday, but in the meantime check out how darn cute he looks in these things:

Friday Jon left for a four day work trip. I'm not going to lie, I was a little apprehensive about being the sole care giver for four days. Reed and I spend most days together, but starting at around 4:00 pm we have Dad around to lend a helping hand the rest of the night. I think the hardest part of having him gone was not having anyone to commiserate with at 2:00 am or to laugh with when we had a poop incident.

Remember when my house wasn't overrun with
doggy and baby stuff?

On Saturday Mikael and Erin came over to visit. Mikael was great, not only was he willing to hold Reed (something most of our guy friends aren't willing to do yet), but he played with Dodger!!!

Mikael and Erin Hanging out with Reed

The doggy saga has continued with the poor guy escaping the backyard last week and cutting open the pad of his foot, he now has been banned from walking altogether until he is healed. To say he is going stir crazy is a huge understatement. Although I do give him attention, feed him, medicate him, and try to get some loves in here and there, Mikael really stepped it up a notch and left me with a happy dog for the rest of the afternoon. A completely different story than the day before when I found him looking totally depressed on our comforter (somewhere he knows he is not supposed to be).

In his defense the quilt was only on the floor
because Reed had peed allover it

After Mikael and Erin left I managed to quickly get showered while Reed amused himself in his swing and then we headed over to my parents house for dinner.

Melissa joined us for dinner

Sunday I decided to brave the car seat and head into Kingsburg for a walk and Reed's first official public outing. We went to Starbucks so Mom could get a much needed energy boost, unfortunately the normal crowd of 3 or 4 people had been augmented by an entire bus of French tourists - so much for keeping the little man away from large masses of people! Reed decided he wanted to be wide awake all day and hardly napped at all. The Parlier Compound sweetly invited us over for dinner and we accepted. We hung out there for awhile, long enough at least for Reed to fall asleep and stay asleep for the whole car ride home. Driving with a screaming child has to be one of my least favorite things of all time and I had already done it 4 times in the prior two days.

Dinner at the Compound

Monday we were back to our normal routine, but again Reed didn't want to sleep AT ALL. Finally I came to the realization that my baby boy is now so much more stimulated by everything around him that he is fighting going to sleep so he can do weird things like stare at light fixtures and ceiling fans. With this new found knowledge I was able to go to a quiet, dark, chair and with some patience get Reed to fall asleep. He didn't take a long nap, but enough of one for me to eat lunch and type this post (simultaneously of course) which is a huge victory!

Weekly Statistics:

Weight: 9lbs 13oz
Nicknames: Reedster, Reedcito, Baby Bear, Duder, Goose
Favorite Dad Moment: Dad cleaning pee out of my ear after a diaper changing incident
Discovery: The good looking baby in the mirror
Something Mom did for herself: Let herself have a fancy Starbucks drink
Milestone: First official, non-doctor, public outing
Outfit of the week: Check out those Alaskan Moccasins!

Sorry, he's too cute - I couldn't pick just one!

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