Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Day in the Life of Reed

Every few months I would like to document a day with Reed so I can look back and see how our routine has evolved and how much he has changed. Every day in our house is different still; Dad is home on weekends, Mom works a couple of days a week, different Grandmas babysit, and the kid is still quite unpredictable as far as sleeping/napping are concerned. Anyway, here is a look at our Friday (and a little bit of our Saturday).

6:30 Wake-up and First Diaper Change of the Day
6:45 Reed nurses
7:30 Reed is done with his breakfast so now it is Mom's turn to eat
Hanging out in the high chair while Mom eats her breakfast

7:45 Let Dodger in the house, Reed now gives him a couple of pets on his face every morning
Saying Good Morning to Dodger

7:55 We head back to the bathroom to make sure Dad is up
Funny Faces in the mirror while Dad gets ready for work

Sending Dad off to work with a Goodbye cuddle

8:05 Reed plays on his play mat while I brush my teeth, make the bed, start laundry, and put my running clothes on
8:15 Quick Diaper change then into the car to drive to the running trail in Reedley
8:35 Head out on our run
Bundled up for our run

8:50 Reed falls asleep in his carrier while I continue to run. Usually his naps are about 45 minutes long, but today he sleeps for a whole two hours!!! This means I get a full 5 mile run in, drive home, and am able to make a quiche and fold some laundry before he wakes up. I swear this never happens, he must be trying to look good for the Great Grandmas that are reading this!

10:50 Reed is awake, we do a quick diaper change
11:00 Reed nurses
11:45 Done eating - we do a more leisurely diaper change and get him dressed for the day
Practicing his toe touching skills during a diaper change

Dressed for the day and practicing his screeches

12:00 We play with some toys while we wait for our lunch guests to arrive
12:10 Amanda and Melissa arrive for lunch and a Project Runway viewing like they do every Friday

Playing while the ladies lunch

Cuddles with Melissa

Getting attention from Amanda

1:00 The ladies head back to work and Reed goes in his jumperoo so I can clean up the kitchen
The kid still loves his Jumperoo

1:30 I nurse Reed
2:15 He is dozing off so I lay him down for a nap. He immediately has wide eyes and smiles - never a good sign.
2:40 I give up on him napping, we do another diaper change, and then bundle up to take Dodger on his daily walk

Suited up to go for a walk
2:50 Head out on our walk
Reed keeping an eye on Dodger during our walk

3:15 Home from our walk, we read Green Eggs and Ham
Reading time!

3:30 Reed is getting fussy so I put him in his sleepsack with a pacifier and lay him down in his crib. I do a quick switch on the laundry and fold some more clothes

3:40 The kid is asleep and I jump in the shower
4:20 Reed is awake
Awake and Happy

4:20 I get him out of his sleep getup and do another diaper change
4:30 Reed nurses
5:00 Reed is done eating and Dad gets home. The three of us hang out for the next hour, taking turns entertaining the little guy with various toys, books, sounds, and games.
Playtime with Daddy

and Mommy too!!!
6:00 Diaper Change
6:10 Pepe arrives for babysitting duty (he drove back from Indian Wells after a long meeting just so he could hang out with Reed)
6:20 Nonna arrives and Pepe looks relieved that he won't be left by himself with a baby
6:30 We head out with Chelsea and Drew to Shannon's Birthday Party and Reed gets some quality time in with his Grandparents.
****Looking back on the last time I did this we were going out to dinner and my parents were babysitting. I swear that we've only left Reed about half a dozen times to do something on our own at night, it is just coincidental that both of the posts have been on those nights (note to self next time you decide to do this, make sure you are going to be in for the night)****

Anyway Reed had a great time with his Pepe and Nonna, but I don't have any pictures to share. But a day in the life of Reed wouldn't be complete without his nighttime rituals so here is what Saturday evening looked like:

6:30 Mom and Dad eat dinner while Reed watches from his high chair
6:45 Reed plays with Dad while Mom cleans up the kitchen
7:00 Bath Time

Reed loves looking at his nude self in the mirror

Splish Splash, he loves to kick the entire time

7:10 Baby Massage and pajamas

7:15 Read stories with Dad

7:30 Reed Nurses
8:00 Reed is asleep

So there you have it . . . A Day in the Life of a Reedster!

Monday, January 23, 2012

4 Months

Reed turned four months old on Friday. In all honesty I can't say that "time is going by too fast" because each day is better than the last. Today we are on a four day streak of only waking up once a night, he is reaching out and grabbing toys, tolerating more time on his tummy, figuring out the mechanics of his jumperoo, making noises and screeching like crazy, and knows how to turn on the charm for friends and family. He is turning into a little boy right in front of our eyes and it is awesome!

4 Months already!!!

Even thought he is a lot of fun most of the time, he still has his melt downs. Unfortunately Mom is usually the only one he wants when he is like this. That is hard to deal with sometimes, but other times I can't help but feel a little special because of this. Don't get me wrong, he loves his time with Dad too - he's like the super cool parent that does the fun stuff.

Sometimes all of this excitement can have disastrous consequences though

There are still a few people that haven't had the pleasure of meeting our little Mister. This week he got to meet a few more of them.
Reed, Kathi, and Kirby - Reed wasn't sure what to make of a dog his own size!

Billie and Natalie with Mr. Reed

Before I get to Reed's monthly stats, I have to share a couple pictures from yesterday. It was a rough day in sports at the McClarty household - Arsenal and the 49ers both lost, good thing Reed was around to cheer us up!

The McClartys in our 49er attire

Gran and Aunt Chelsea amused by Reed's antics

Monthly Statistics

Weight: 16 lbs

Length: 25.25 inches

Head Circumference: 16.25 inches

Clothing Size: Pretty much 6 month outfits are the golden ticket lately (which includes 6-9 month and 6-12 month) and he is fitting into some 9 month onesies as well.

Can't live without: Baby Bjorn, Infant Monitor, BOB stroller, Baby DeeDee Sleeping Bag, Vulli Sophie Giraffe, Mam Pacifiers, Rainforest Jumperoo

Nicknames: Reedster, Reedcito, Baby Bear, Buddy Bear

Where/How Reed is sleeping:

Eye Color: Hazel with a ring of blue on the outside

Favorite Moment: Watching Reed learn how to jump in his jumperoo and then learning how to make all of the toys work has been amazing. Everyday he figures something else out and it is incredible to watch him teach himself how to use his mind and body.

12/28/11 Reed's infatuation with his hands begins
12/29/11 We took the BOB stroller out for the first time and had a great "Family Run"
01/04/12 Reed figures out how to blow Raspberries with his mouth
01/09/12 While driving to my parents' house I hear Reed smack his lips for the first time
01/14/12 We make our first trip up to the mountains with the little guy
01/18/12 Reed grabs his foot for the first time
01/23/12 Reed slept through the night (I'm guessing there won't be a repeat performance for awhile, but one can hope). He went to sleep at 8:30 pm and made it to 6:00 am without waking!!!

Embarrassing Picture:
Mom has to put Vagisil on Reed's head every night to treat his skin issues - and he likes it!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Cabin Fever

My parents have a piece of property up towards Kings Canyon National Park. Last spring, after a lot of hard work on their part, the cabin on the property was finally deemed habitable and they have been spending a ton of time up there ever since. We don't get up to the cabin nearly as often as we should, but always enjoy our time up there when we do. This time of year it would usually be pretty difficult since there is typically a decent amount of snow, but while the dry winter has been disappointing for many reasons, it allowed us to spend a great day up in the mountains with my family on Saturday. The property is just above 4,000 feet so we wanted to wait until Reed was at least 3 months old before we took him up that far in elevation. The kid did great on the 1 hour drive, falling asleep for at least part of the trek each way.

Buckled in and ready to go

It was a beautiful day in the mountains, sunny and warm, I could hardly believe it was January. My parents put together a nice little barbecue and we all took turns entertaining the munchkin.

We tried out the "Go Pod" Kyle, Kari, and Annaliese gave Reed for Christmas. I think this will be a very handy thing in the future, but he might be a bit too small still.

Hey, what happened to my arms?

After lunch we decided to take a stroll around the property to see the bunk house they've been working on. Dodger was super excited about the whole trip and thought he should lead the walk.

Reed however thought napping sounded more fun than hiking so we headed back to the cabin so the kid could recharge.
Being up in the mountains is exhausting!!!
Reed slept for about an hour while we played games, but he couldn't take it any longer and had to join in on the fun.
Shocking - the little guy is the center of attention yet again.