6:30 Wake-up and First Diaper Change of the Day
6:45 Reed nurses
7:30 Reed is done with his breakfast so now it is Mom's turn to eat
Hanging out in the high chair while Mom eats her breakfast
7:45 Let Dodger in the house, Reed now gives him a couple of pets on his face every morning
Saying Good Morning to Dodger
7:55 We head back to the bathroom to make sure Dad is up
Funny Faces in the mirror while Dad gets ready for work
Sending Dad off to work with a Goodbye cuddle
8:05 Reed plays on his play mat while I brush my teeth, make the bed, start laundry, and put my running clothes on
8:15 Quick Diaper change then into the car to drive to the running trail in Reedley
8:35 Head out on our run
Bundled up for our run
8:50 Reed falls asleep in his carrier while I continue to run. Usually his naps are about 45 minutes long, but today he sleeps for a whole two hours!!! This means I get a full 5 mile run in, drive home, and am able to make a quiche and fold some laundry before he wakes up. I swear this never happens, he must be trying to look good for the Great Grandmas that are reading this!
10:50 Reed is awake, we do a quick diaper change
11:00 Reed nurses
11:45 Done eating - we do a more leisurely diaper change and get him dressed for the day
Practicing his toe touching skills during a diaper change
Dressed for the day and practicing his screeches
12:00 We play with some toys while we wait for our lunch guests to arrive
12:10 Amanda and Melissa arrive for lunch and a Project Runway viewing like they do every Friday
Playing while the ladies lunch
Cuddles with Melissa
Getting attention from Amanda
1:00 The ladies head back to work and Reed goes in his jumperoo so I can clean up the kitchen
The kid still loves his Jumperoo
1:30 I nurse Reed
2:15 He is dozing off so I lay him down for a nap. He immediately has wide eyes and smiles - never a good sign.
2:40 I give up on him napping, we do another diaper change, and then bundle up to take Dodger on his daily walk
Suited up to go for a walk
2:50 Head out on our walkReed keeping an eye on Dodger during our walk
3:15 Home from our walk, we read Green Eggs and Ham
Reading time!
3:40 The kid is asleep and I jump in the shower
4:20 Reed is awake
Awake and Happy
4:20 I get him out of his sleep getup and do another diaper change
4:30 Reed nurses
5:00 Reed is done eating and Dad gets home. The three of us hang out for the next hour, taking turns entertaining the little guy with various toys, books, sounds, and games.
Playtime with Daddy
and Mommy too!!!
6:00 Diaper Change
6:10 Pepe arrives for babysitting duty (he drove back from Indian Wells after a long meeting just so he could hang out with Reed)
6:20 Nonna arrives and Pepe looks relieved that he won't be left by himself with a baby6:30 We head out with Chelsea and Drew to Shannon's Birthday Party and Reed gets some quality time in with his Grandparents.
****Looking back on the last time I did this we were going out to dinner and my parents were babysitting. I swear that we've only left Reed about half a dozen times to do something on our own at night, it is just coincidental that both of the posts have been on those nights (note to self next time you decide to do this, make sure you are going to be in for the night)****
Anyway Reed had a great time with his Pepe and Nonna, but I don't have any pictures to share. But a day in the life of Reed wouldn't be complete without his nighttime rituals so here is what Saturday evening looked like:
6:30 Mom and Dad eat dinner while Reed watches from his high chair
6:45 Reed plays with Dad while Mom cleans up the kitchen
7:00 Bath Time
Reed loves looking at his nude self in the mirror
Splish Splash, he loves to kick the entire time
7:10 Baby Massage and pajamas
7:15 Read stories with Dad
7:30 Reed Nurses
8:00 Reed is asleep
So there you have it . . . A Day in the Life of a Reedster!
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