Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Parties Continue . . .Ringing in the New Year

So yes the parties continued on into last week. On Tuesday we helped Laura celebrate the big 3-0 and Reed was introduced to a few more people that have been just dying to meet him.

Lindsay and Shannon with Reed

Lisa and Larry with the Little Man

Reed and Beth

We had a few days to recuperate from our Holiday Marathon and then on Friday we went into little kid overdrive. Jon's roommates from college, their wives, and little ones came to spend the New Years weekend with us. It was an action packed weekend and so completely different from just a couple of years ago.

Unfortunately as they were arriving on Friday I found out that my Aunt Jana was coming into town. I wanted her to meet Reed so badly, but the timing was the worst. Luckily my Mom had agreed to watch Reed while we played soccer so, while I didn't get a chance to see them, Reed was able to do a meet and greet over at Grandma's (thanks for the pictures Mom) with the Devine Family.

Reed and Aunt Jana (and a little bit of Tim)

Reed and Uncle Tim

Cousin Adam and Reed

Reed and Cousin Austin

This weekend we got glimpses into Reed's future, Adam and Marli's son Cole is six months old and Phil and Kelly's daughter Maya is going to be two in March. It is so fun to think what the coming months and years are going to hold for the Reedster.

Cole shows Reed his Superman moves

Maya tries out Reed's Bumbo chair

Playing Peek-a-boo with Reed and Maya

Marli, Cole, and Reed

Maya showing the boys how it is done

2011 was a pretty eventful year in the McClarty household, but instead of looking back we are eagerly looking forward to all of the firsts that we hope to experience with Reed in 2012 . . . rolling over, sitting up, crawling, solid foods, standing, walking, talking, trips to the mountains, trips to the lake, swim parties, teeth, words, the list really does go on and on and we can't wait.

Happy New Year!!!

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