Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Friday, April 11, 2014

Brotherly Love

I touched on it a bit in Kieran's five month post, but I have to say a little more about my two boys. So far Reed has been such a great brother to Kieran. He genuinely likes him and is always concerned about him.  Reed is great about sharing his toys with K, getting him a pacifier or cuddly guy when he is fussy, and always includes him when talking about our family or an outing we are planning.

For his part Kieran adores Reed. His eyes are constantly trained on him and he will sit contently watching Reed do pretty much anything. Now K is reaching out for Reed often and you can see the pure joy on his face when he's actually able to make contact and give Reed his own special kind of hug.

The other night when I was taking pictures of Kieran for his five month post Reed plopped down on the blanket and Kieran was immediately enthralled. He couldn't keep his hands off of R and Reed was giggling and playing along so well. I really hope that their two year age gap starts to "disappear" a bit and that they became great friends and play mates in no time.

I've been okay about taking videos of the kids lately, but obviously not good about posting them on the blog. Videos are almost exclusively on our iPhones these days, so they aren't of the highest quality, but they capture the moment and it just isn't realistic to lug around a separate camera for our day to day escapades. A couple of weeks ago I was cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast and Reed took it upon himself to teach Kieran how to play patty cake. I love this video and have watched it over and over so I have to share.

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