Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Reed Says . . . April 2014 Edition

We've been experiencing a lot of follow-up questions coming from Reed lately. He is also into reasoning and logic which is pretty fun to watch, less fun is that on occasion he will lie. It's really funny when kids are young and you ask them a question and they tell you the truth because they don't know any different; it is still funny to hear a 2.5 year old come up with a fib, but just a little scary when you think down the road and what is to come!!!

Reed's big thing right now is that he's given us each a nickname - Mama Bear, Papa Bear, he is Baby Bear, Kieran is Goldilocks, and Dodger is Big Bear. He uses our nicknames all of the time in conversation and won't waiver on Kieran being called Goldilocks at all. Ok, enough of my musings . . .

One day I watched Reed walk up to Kieran, who I had just put in his car seat, shake his hand and say "glad to meet you."

Reed's new thing is to get his own milk out of the refrigerator. Sometimes the door will swing and push him into the fridge. After this happened last week he told me, "the refrigerator, when I get my milk, decides to close me in and break me."

The Monkey likes to pretend some of his stuffed animals are babies and I overheard him saying "I'm a Mom and I'm so fragile to a baby" when he was cradling Pup.

Jon was changing Reed's diaper and asked before undoing it "am I going to find a treat in here?" Reed responded with "we will find out!"

Reed was obsessed with this stuffed bear we had out at Christmas, we named him Holiday Bear, and Reed played with him a lot. Like to the point that the bear fell to pieces and we got rid of it after the Holidays. We told Reed that the bear had to go up in the attic with the rest of the Christmas decorations, assuming he would forget about the thing by next Christmas. He brings up this bear at least once a week still. He is not at all upset about the bear being in the attic but it is a point of conversation frequently in our house. I'm really hoping that I don't have to scour the Internet for a replacement next December! Right before Easter, out of nowhere, he came up to me and said "we should get Holiday Bear down because the next Holiday is Easter."

I noticed Kieran munching on his foot and jokingly said to Reed "I wonder what that tastes like?" He, very seriously, said "probably a sock."

Reed can now reach the water dispenser in our refrigerator, but knows he's not supposed to do it by himself. When I walked into the kitchen and found him standing in a puddle of water I asked if he had gotten water out of the refrigerator. Without skipping a beat he responded "no" followed by a quiet "I got it out of the freezer" - he's right the dispenser is located on the freezer door - ughh!!

We like asking Reed if the baby in C's tummy is a boy or girl, his answer changes often, but the other day when we asked him he replied "C's baby is a girl baby because she's a cousin" (he has two cousins right now and both are girls).

When G-Mama was staying at our house we asked Reed who his best friends are, he answered, like he always does, "Dad and Parker (the Grizzlies mascot)." Thinking he might change his tune with a visitor I asked "what about Mom and G-Mama?" to which he responded incredulously "they're girls!!!"

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