Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Easter Round #2

After Easter Round #1 we quickly packed up and headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Reed made a beeline for Grandpa, and recruited Dad and Annaliese as well, for bubble making fun. Kieran got to meet Blingy (I missed the photo op) and spent time hopping from Grand-Aunt to Grand-Aunt's arms.

Uncle Kyle and Aunt Kari had the good idea to get some family pictures taken before the babies needed naps and the toddlers somehow ruined their outfits. Apparently  their family is a little better at posing for pictures than ours!!!

Finally we let the Kiddos get to hunting. It was so fun watching Reed have a pal to hunt with. At first he and Annaliese went in opposite directions minding their own business, well kind of - Grandma and Grand Aunt Jana played assistants. Eventually they ended up hunting together though and Reed even decided to put all of his eggs in Annaliese's basket.

Of course there were more gifts including a fun book from Grand Aunt Penny and Uncle Mark that the kids were totally in to and wind up bunnies from Grand Aunt Jana and Uncle Tim that were a huge hit.

We had a delicious tri-tip lunch and then attempted some more family pictures with pretty good success. The one funny part was that Annaliese wanted me to hold her, which I loved, but it does look a bit like I have a daughter! Once we started adding more people to the picture she went to Grandpa and the pictures make a lot more sense.

G-Mama, Aunt Kari, Haleigh, Uncle Kyle, Grandma, Reed,
Grandpa, Annaliese, Mom, Dad, Kieran, and Blingy

G-Mama, Aunt Kari, Haleigh, Uncle Kyle, Grandma, Reed, Grandpa,
Annaliese, Mom, Dad, Kieran, Grand Uncle Peter, and Grand Aunt Laurie

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