Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Friday, August 29, 2014

Reed Says . . . August 2014 Edition

This last month has been all about potty training. Reed is still in diapers but often goes full days without having an accident. He just isn't very good at telling us when he needs to go yet. He will go when put on the toilet every 1.5-2 hours but since that is completely dependent on me or whoever is watching him we haven't moved him to underwear. While spending time in the bathroom can be exhausting (especially when you add in a 9 month old), we have found one thing Reed and I both like to do to kill time - learning jokes. You have to admit there is nothing cuter than a three year old telling a joke! His favorite goes "what do you call a skeleton that won't get out of bed? Lazy Bones!" Okay, okay, here are some Reed originals:

I was nursing Kieran when I heard some crashing and thrashing in Reed's room. When I went in to investigate I found his blinds all turned and twisted and he was singing "bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do?"

One day while killing time in the bathroom I decided to quiz Reed by asking him which leg was his right and which was his left. He got both correct and then pointing down he said "and that's my penis leg."

Reed has decided that when only air (no loud sound) comes out it's called a "fancy toot."

A few Sundays back we were driving to Pepe and Nonna's and Reed was singing wee, wee, wee, wee, over and over again. It was beyond annoying and I muttered something along the lines of "we need to be there already!" He returned with " a couple more wees and then we'll be to Nonna's house Mom."

He was once again on the toilet the other day when he told me that "it hurts when I poop because sometimes I poop and the chunk splashes my pee back onto my penis." I was trying not to let him see me laughing so I put my face in my hands. To this he responded with "Mom, don't be sad I'm okay."

The boys were playing in the living room when Kieran actually got the etch-a-sketch writing implement and made a mark on the screen. Reed started yelling "Mom look, Kieran's drawing!" Then he turned to K and told him "I'm impressed with you!!!"

At the dinner table Reed was recounting to Jon what he had been up to during the day. He volunteered that "Dad today when I went potty I ate Star Wars gummies. Yoda is green, that's convenient."

Out of nowhere Reed ran up to me and told me that "Kieran and Soft Sheep are my two favorite babies!" (I'm not sure which one should feel more flattered).

Jon was helping The Monkey use the bathroom but his aim was a bit off and he ended up peeing a bit on the personalized step stool that is against the toilet. When Jon started cleaning up the mess Reed leaned over and told him "don't worry Dad, the R (the stool says Reed) doesn't have pee on it."

Reed is often times resistant to the idea of walking Dodger in the morning. One morning when I was putting his tennis shoes on He told me that his "nose doesn't want to walk Dodger it wants to go home. Mom, I do not wish to be outside."

I was snacking on tortilla chips before dinner and Reed asked if he could have some. I said yes and then he told me "thank you Mom, these will help my hungriness go away."

The boys and I were eating lunch when Reed suddenly fell out of his chair and landed with a thud on the floor. I stood up and peered over the table to see the damage - he was laying flat on his back and as soon as he saw me he started to sing "hit the road jack."

Sunday, August 24, 2014


I probably am starting to sound like a broken record but Life has been getting the best of us lately. Finally this weekend we were able to fit in some fun and I even managed to document some of it!!!

We have a mason jar that we let Reed fill with "fuzzy balls" (aka poms) anytime we catch him being really good. The first time he filled it up he got a cool car track rug for his room. The second time I told him the two of us would go on a sorbet date when he filled it up. After the first time filling the jar he figured out that the bigger poms fill the jar faster so those are the ones he specifically picks out now - he amazes me sometimes! When it was close to being full this second time around he asked if the whole family could go and I of course said yes. Anyway, on Friday the sorbet of the day at the yogurt shop was Cherry Ice and Reed managed to stain not only his mouth, but his shirt, shorts, stomach, and his comforter when he got home. Was it worth it? Did he love every ounce of it? Did we have a great family date? Most definitely yes!!!

On Saturday we went to a barbecue to celebrate Auntie M's Birthday. It was a nice afternoon of hanging by the pool, catching up with family, and eating lots of yummy food. One of M's best friends, Kate and her husband came down  for the weekend and it was fun for her to finally meet the boys since she has heard so much about them. Highlights of the party also included Reed trying to play with the older boys and Kieran chasing Penny and Mark's tiny dog Gidget around and around in circles on the kitchen floor.

Kieran, Kate, and Auntie M

Grandma and Reed playing Ladder Ball

The Kieran-Gidget standoff
Finally on Sunday Reed and I took part in a walk in Fresno to raise awareness about food allergies. He did great even though the walk started 45 minutes late and one of the vendors mistakenly handed out chapstick made with nut extract (I know right!).  He walked for probably 3/4 of a mile total, taking a break to ride in the stroller part way through and again when he announced he had to go potty and I sprinted with him back to the bathrooms. I would classify the walk as moderately successful but a four hour trip including two 35 minute car rides, a 1.6 mile walk, and a trip to Costco without a bathroom accident is a MAJOR accomplishment!!!

Working on our team cheer before we left

Fueling up pre walk

Balloon ladybug

Camera Face #1

Camera Face #2

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Fun Day IX

I know I talked about this last year, but the kid explosion that has happened at Fun Day over the last two years is insane. In 2012 Reed was the only kid, fast forward to this year and there were 23 kids invited, almost all of which fall into the two and under category. I decided to call in reinforcements and had some of the kids' Grandparents come help out for the day. Hopefully we didn't scare them off too badly because we already have four more babies expected between now and March, and will definitely be needing help again next year! Even with the extra hands I was super busy juggling my two kids and trying to participate in the games so I took very few pictures myself, most of these great shots are courtesy of Pepe who not only was our photographer but barbecued all day for us again this year.

I need to make a list of pictures to make sure I take next year. This year I failed to get a picture with everyone, a family picture of the four of us, pictures of all of the individual families, or a picture of all of our helpers. Fun Day has become a bit of a reunion for Jon and his college roommates. Mark and Stacey have been living in New York for years and just made the move back to the West Coast. They came for an overnight trip and we got to meet their daughter Ella who just turned one. Marli, Adam, and Cole have been coming to Fun Day for quite a few years now but this year they brought along Caden who was just shy of the one month mark. We were so excited to have them and get to meet their newest addition!

Kieran hanging with the big kids

Connor and Carver face-off

Closest thing to a family picture - "Team Unicorn" plus Grandma

Lyla did not disappoint with her outfit for her first Fun Day

Clara in her Mom's vintage outfit

The Rodriguez Family

Kevin's annual Fun Day Haircut

Reed helping Pepe with beer hiding

Marli and baby Caden

Ready, set, beer hunt!
Our team working on our communication

Alli and Chris

Michelle and Nick


Jon explaining the obstacle course

Reed practicing his picture posing

Vince practicing his parenting skills

Ryan has no fear!

Reed's attempt off the diving board - he downgraded to the side

Pool party!

Winning team

Cole, Reed, and Dad in their PJs

Last game for the boys before saying goodbye