Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Sunday, August 24, 2014


I probably am starting to sound like a broken record but Life has been getting the best of us lately. Finally this weekend we were able to fit in some fun and I even managed to document some of it!!!

We have a mason jar that we let Reed fill with "fuzzy balls" (aka poms) anytime we catch him being really good. The first time he filled it up he got a cool car track rug for his room. The second time I told him the two of us would go on a sorbet date when he filled it up. After the first time filling the jar he figured out that the bigger poms fill the jar faster so those are the ones he specifically picks out now - he amazes me sometimes! When it was close to being full this second time around he asked if the whole family could go and I of course said yes. Anyway, on Friday the sorbet of the day at the yogurt shop was Cherry Ice and Reed managed to stain not only his mouth, but his shirt, shorts, stomach, and his comforter when he got home. Was it worth it? Did he love every ounce of it? Did we have a great family date? Most definitely yes!!!

On Saturday we went to a barbecue to celebrate Auntie M's Birthday. It was a nice afternoon of hanging by the pool, catching up with family, and eating lots of yummy food. One of M's best friends, Kate and her husband came down  for the weekend and it was fun for her to finally meet the boys since she has heard so much about them. Highlights of the party also included Reed trying to play with the older boys and Kieran chasing Penny and Mark's tiny dog Gidget around and around in circles on the kitchen floor.

Kieran, Kate, and Auntie M

Grandma and Reed playing Ladder Ball

The Kieran-Gidget standoff
Finally on Sunday Reed and I took part in a walk in Fresno to raise awareness about food allergies. He did great even though the walk started 45 minutes late and one of the vendors mistakenly handed out chapstick made with nut extract (I know right!).  He walked for probably 3/4 of a mile total, taking a break to ride in the stroller part way through and again when he announced he had to go potty and I sprinted with him back to the bathrooms. I would classify the walk as moderately successful but a four hour trip including two 35 minute car rides, a 1.6 mile walk, and a trip to Costco without a bathroom accident is a MAJOR accomplishment!!!

Working on our team cheer before we left

Fueling up pre walk

Balloon ladybug

Camera Face #1

Camera Face #2

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