Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, August 4, 2014

Nine Months

As Jon and I have been saying the last few weeks - things just got real! Oh my goodness do we have our hands full. Although Kieran isn't actually hands and knees crawling he can get almost anywhere with his scoot/pull crawl and the kid is a daredevil. He's already managed to get cupboards and drawers open, close doors, climb up onto the hearth, open the fireplace doors and he does it all in the bat of an eye. When he's not busy being mischievous, he is working on becoming a world champion diaper wrestler. By the end of most changes I've broken a sweat, am out of breath, or both!!!

He continues to be a pretty happy kid and Mom and Dad are continuing to figure out his likes and dislikes. He loves reading books, dancing, and being sung to and usually let's out a good chuckle or belly laugh when he does any of them. 

He seems to be very slow when cutting a tooth and even though he's been drooling like crazy, chewing on anything and everything, and having bouts of fussiness another chomper has yet to break through. 

Kieran is definitely a Mama's Boy so far. He usually does fine when I'm not around but the moment I walk back into the room he wants me to hold him or starts crying at the realization that I've been gone. I love that when he is tired he still likes to cuddle.

Monthly Statistics

Weight: 17 lbs 12 oz

Height: I promise to have an update next month

Clothing Size: Almost everything is 9 month or 6-12 month.

Teeth: Still just 2 bottom front teeth, but he seems to really be working on more.

Kieran likes: Eating, taking walks, Dodger (and all other dogs/cats), bath time, balls, watching Reed do anything, pool time, being tossed in the air, story time, tickles, crawling/getting around on his own, playing drums, the puppy guitar and dog piano, his toy table, and Perrito his stuffed animal pacifier.

Kieran dislikes: Diaper changes, having something taken out of his hands, being told "no" and waiting for food.

Food: He is still loving eating anything and everything. New additions this month have included: watermelon, salmon, plums, blueberries, rice, ground beef, quinoa, chicken, and oatmeal.
Nicknames: Kier, K, K Dawg, K-Man, Kierito, Buddy, Pillbug, and Baby Bear.

How Kieran is sleeping:  This still seems to fluctuate each week. He actually slept through the night a few times this past month but for the last week or so he's been waking once or twice a night. As of right now he goes to bed at 7:30 pm and then usually wakes between 1:00 and 3:00 for a feeding. He then 1) sleeps until around 5:00, nurses again, and goes back to sleep until around 6:30/6:45 or 2) makes it to 6:00/6:15 and is up for good. His first nap has been falling around 9:00 am his second around 1:00/1:30. Both naps last about 1.5-2 hours.

Favorite Moment: Kieran loves "standing" and if I ask for a hug he will walk (supported) toward me until he gets close enough to dive bomb me with a bear hug. I love feeling his embrace and having our own special thing just melts my heart!

07/06/14 Kieran's first trip to the Circus
07/10/14 K pulls himself up to standing for the first time
07/12/14 The Pillbug gets a kitchen drawer open all by himself
07/12/14 Kier pulls himself a few feet in his first attempt to "crawl"
07/15/14 K sleeps through the night for the first time (7:30 pm to 5:15 am)
07/25/14 Kieran has mastered the "army crawl" - getting up on his elbows but still not up on his knees
08/02/14 First Fun Day

Favorite Photo Shoot Outtake:

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