Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Let the Celebrations Begin

September, October, and November are pretty big months for Birthdays and Anniversaries in our family. September is the busiest of the three and the celebrating starts with our wedding anniversary (Happy 6 years Jon!!!) quickly followed by Grandpa's Birthday. This year I had to work on Friday, which isn't the norm, so Grandma took the boys to her house for the day. Reed took it upon himself to help "decorate" the house with some of his books and toys by scattering them all over the living room and kitchen. Kieran helped by taking a nice long afternoon nap for Grandma. Once Jon and I got off of work we headed over with a cake that Reed and I had made the day before. Grandma and Grandpa made a delicious dinner and we had a lovely evening spending time together.

Present opening is a team effort!

Our attempt at a posed photograph.

Cake decorating, also a team effort.

 Blowing out candles, you guessed it, a team effort!!!

 Happy Birthday to our hard working, kind hearted, and very loved Dad/Grandpa!!!

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