Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Friday, September 5, 2014

Ten Months

Ten Months, wow!!! I swear I'm going to blink and have a one year old. This month Kieran has made leaps and bounds in the milestone department. His crawl is still more of a no knees, straight leg, toe push, but man can he get around fast. He also is into EVERYTHING!!! He can pull up on anything, cruise around any piece of furniture, and will accept the challenge of climbing up anything and everything. He adores his Big Brother and wants to do everything he does, all of the time.

This Kiddo is a bit of an emotional roller coaster, flip flopping between crying and laughing all the time. Mom dancing, fake sneezing, giving him kisses, or tossing him in the air equals laughing. Mom changing his diaper, helping Reed go potty, not continually shoveling food onto his tray, or letting someone else hold him equals sobbing. Kieran really loves to eat and puts away more food than I can fathom at most meals. I gave up on "cute" pictures this month because I thought photos of him eating caption the majority of our days perfectly.

Monthly Statistics

Weight: 19 lbs

Height: 29.5 inches (measured by Nurse Practicioner two weeks ago)

Clothing Size:  For the most part 12 month tops and 9 month or 6-12 month bottoms,

Teeth: 2.25 - 2 bottom front and 1 top front that keeps poking through and then recessing back up into his poor little gums.

Kieran likes: Eating, taking walks, Dodger (and all other dogs/cats), bath time, balls, watching Reed do anything and attacking him as well, pool time, VTech tow truck, watching anyone brush their teeth, being tossed in the air, story time (especially his favorite - I Love you Through and Through book), tickles, crawling/climbing/getting around on his own, playing drums, when Nonna sings High Hopes, when Mom or Reed do fake sneezes, the puppy guitar and dog piano, his toy table, and Perrito his stuffed animal pacifier.

Kieran dislikes: Diaper changes, having something taken out of his hands, waking up because of a need to poop, being told "no" and waiting for food. He also detests teething - but we are all in agreement on that one.

Food: K continues to like almost all foods but is starting to show a few preferences, including oatmeal, blueberries, avocado, fish, broccoli, pancake, peaches, and squash.  New additions this month have included: green beans, pasta, mango, raspberries, peppers, grapes, toast, tomatoes, strawberries, mushrooms, steak, hemp milk, chia seeds, and corn.
Nicknames: Kier, K, K Dawg, K-Man, K-Bug, Kierito, Buddy, Buddy Bear, Smalls, Cuddle Bug, and Goldilocks has made a comeback as well.

How Kieran is sleeping: Ugghh. K's sleep is all over the board right now. He has been waking around 5:00 am and then tries to go back to sleep after I nurse him. He either goes back to sleep until after 7:00 am or struggles, poops, and then is up for good before 6:00 am. His first nap has been falling between 9:00 and 9:30 and lasts about two hours. His afternoon nap has been between 1:00 and 2:00 and usually last around 1.5 hours. Bedtime is almost always 7:30 and he sleeps through the night until that wake-up around 5:00.

Words: New Category!!! Kieran has started to say "Momma" and "Mom" quite frequently and sometimes it seems to be even directed towards me. He also loves to try to mimic us when we say "Lyla" and has let "Dada" slip out once or twice, but not when Jon has been around.

Favorite Moment: When I asked Jon he said he loves Kieran's nightly scaling of Reed's bean bag to try to play with his Big Brother. It is pretty funny to watch his determination to get up to reach Reed and also how much he adores him. For me I have to admit that hearing K say "Mom" and "Momma" has been so sweet. He likes to use it when he is upset, but I love that he is taking this step into the world of verbal communication.

08/07/14 Kieran goes from laying down to sitting up for the first time (in his crib).
08/08/14 K starts "cruising" between ottomans, the couch, and anything else he can reach out to grab.
08/18/14 Kieran says his first word - "Mom"
08/23/14 The Little Guy waves for the first time in response to me saying "hey you" from across the room
08/30/14 First time leaving the Kiddo overnight

Favorite Photo Shoot Outtake: (Reed decided K needed some guys to help get smiles for the photo shoot).

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