Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Reed is Three!

I will do a post in a few days with some measurements, statistics, etc. for Reed at three years old. In the meantime here is a barrage of photos from his Birthday party. We kept it small this year with just his Grandparents, Great-Grandparents, and Aunt/Uncle/Cousin, that live locally. Since he is so into puzzles and games I used that as a theme and had a few puzzle piece garlands and signs, along with puzzles to do during dinner, a Where's Waldo book for everyone to sign (that I forgot to get everyone to sign), and a puzzle making station that meant everyone left behind a personalized puzzle just for the Monkey. The dinner menu was Reed's choice - Barbecued chicken, sausage, green beans, pasta with Pepe's marinara sauce, and a blueberry cake for dessert. He wasn't sure about all of the puzzle pieces hanging about and even asked me take them down at one point (so much for all my time spent crafting them).

Our family and friends definitely know him and a lot of his gifts were puzzles, books, and games. There were an absolute ton of presents and he took two breaks from opening them to 1) thumb through one of his new books and 2) try on his new cowboy boots. His favorite gifts were a plasma car from C, Tio, and Lyla and a book written by C and Tio (notice a theme?) a close third was the helmet that went with the balance bike that Jon and I got for him. He actually left it on the majority of the night and we had to convince him to take it off for bedtime. Kieran did loud happy screams throughout dinner, but Reed didn't seem bothered and even would try to get him to calm down from time to time by telling him everything was okay or by putting more pasta on his tray - such a good Big Brother!!! He didn't get to bed until almost 10:00pm partially because he was on a sugar high from his two pieces of cake and partially because we were having such a great time with him and didn't want the evening to end.

Reed overseeing everyone working on their puzzle "crafts"

Kieran and Great Papa Dean

Reed and Grandpa working on a puzzle Auntie M and Hunky Kevin crafted

Nonna, Gran, C, Papa, and Lyla

Giving Baby Bro a lift

Dinner is almost ready!

After dinner wrestling - a Birthday must

Grandma and Nonna helping with a six-sided puzzle

The best picture of the Birthday Boy and Cousin Lyla

Grandma reading his new favorite book from C and Tio

Nonna reading his new favorite book from C and Tio

I insisted on a picture with Reed at the end of the night

Then I made Jon take one too

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