Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Full of Thanks

This past Thanksgiving week G-Momma came down via the train on Tuesday.  I left work early to pick her up and then took her to Grandma's house just in time for the boys to wake from their naps. Of course she was happy to get her great-grandkid fix in and Grandma and G-Momma even came by the next day for lunch and some more play time with the boys.

On Thanksgiving morning I went running and then walked with the boys over to C and Tio's house. They hosted a pick-up soccer game with some of our friends. While Jon played soccer the boys and I hung out with the other non-playing adults and kiddos. Before we walked home Tio took a group shot with his new favorite toy.
Reed entertaining Clara and Kieran

Future classmates - Kieran, Eden, and Lyla

Group "Dronie"
I had hopes that we would get home, have lunch, and Reed would go down for a long early nap and Kieran would go down for a late long nap - let's just say the plan didn't work and they both only briefly slept before we had to load them into the car. They were in great spirits though and were in pretty good moods for our time over at Uncle Mark and Aunt Penny's.

Grandma, Kieran, and Aunt Jana

Mark, Greg, Reed, and Jon

Grandma, G-Momma, and Kieran practicing high fives

Family shot!

Kieran, Auntie M, and Blingy

G-Momma and Reed watching Kieran crawl away
After an afternoon of snacking, game playing, and lots of talking we headed to Pepe and Nonna's for dinner. K fell asleep on the 10 minute car ride, but unfortunately woke as soon as we parked the car. Dinner was ready when we walked in the door and both kids were basically on the verge of meltdowns. Dinner was delicious but the boys were done and just wanted away from the table. I tried to put K down for a late nap but it was a no go. Pepe took Reed out to the pool house and they had a great time drinking "whisky" and doing puzzles. I put Kieran on the floor and he decided playing with the toys and Lyla was just what he needed. This year Marty, Bueno, and Tracy joined us as well as all of Nonna's side of the family and the Stoothoffs. We were getting ready to leave when we got a surprise visit from Aunt Margie, Uncle Tom, Aunt Lynette, and Uncle Allan. We stuck around to hang out for a bit longer and ended up leaving way past the boys bedtimes but the time spent with family was well worth it.

Dinner time

Lyla decided she wanted to eat too

Kieran practicing his walking skills

Bueno entertaining the wee ones

Nonna and K Bug

Tom, Lynette, Papa, The Baby Whisperer Allan, and Kieran
On Friday we joined the Parkinsons for the tree lighting ceremony in downtown Kingsburg. There was Christmas caroling, lights, and dancing, and while Jon couldn't believe it was really happening I thought it was pretty charming in a small town way. We did a lot of celebrating over just a few days but on Sunday we fit in one more visit to say goodbye to Blingy before she headed home.

Reed giving Blingy a goodbye hug

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