So far Kieran hasn't really posed us with any health afflictions but in October he randomly threw-up on a car ride to Fresno, but was otherwise fine. We somewhat dismissed it but the same thing happened last month on our way over to Pajaro. K has always been great in the car but after these two incidents we've pretty much self-diagnosed a touch of car sickness. It will be interesting to see if it develops into something more, but as long as he can cope with it we will just be prepared with a bag and some wipes in the future and cross our fingers that it goes away!
Monthly Statistics
Weight: 20.5 lbs
Height: Didn't attempt at home this month
Clothing Size: Everything is now 12 or 12-18 month, most pants are still way too big around the waist.
Shoe size: New Category!!! Size 5
Teeth: 7 - 3 on the bottom and 4 on the top
Kieran likes: Taking Dodger for walks, eating, swings, slides, bath time, balls, watching Reed do anything, watching anyone brush their teeth, taking naps, dance parties, story time (especially his favorite - I Love you Through and Through book), knocking over blocks, tickles, crawling/climbing/getting around on his own, drumming on anything but especially trash cans, opening cupboards, sorting and stacking toys, playing guitar with Dad, being held by Mom, getting into the ottoman, and Perrito his stuffed animal pacifier.
Kieran dislikes: Diaper changes, being put in his car seat, being taken out of the bathtub, long car rides, Mom not holding him, and getting things taken away from him.
Food: Kieran pretty much eats everything now, we have yet to try soy, nuts, or shell fish but hope to introduce those soon. Favorites right now are avocado, blueberries, blackberries, string cheese, apples, bread, pasta, beans, hemp milk, muffins, and peas. Dislikes are most vegetables and he is hit or miss with meat.
Nicknames: Kier, K, K Dawg, K-Man, K-Bug, Bug, K-Bugger, Bugger, Kierito, and Goldilocks.
How Kieran is sleeping: Between traveling and Holiday activities Kieran's sleep has really taken a hit lately, but I will just list what is "typical." Bedtime is 7:30 and he usually sleeps until around 4:00 or 5:00am (sometimes there is still a 1:00 or 3:00 wake-up). He nurses and usually goes back to sleep until between 6:00 and 7:00am. He takes two naps; one around 9:30 lasting about two hours and another around 2:00 lasting 1.5-2hours.
Words: Not much new this month - Momma/Mom, bawl (ball), braw-er (brother), blu (blueberry), up, buh (book), uh oh, bye bye, appp-pull (apple), and mo (more). He also says Ahhhh when I tell him it's time to brush his teeth and Mmmmm if he sees food he wants.
Signs: Eat, milk, ball, more, all done, sleep, hat, shoes, bird, and dog.
Favorite Moment: Kieran taking his first steps has been really great, but since he's not fully "walking" yet I think I would have to say my favorite moment with him this month was at Gran and Papa's anniversary dinner when he became obsessed with my cheese. The mouth agape, panting for more food is just hilarious and he's continued to do it ever since. You can have the worst day but sit down with him to a meal and he busts that out and you can't help but laugh!
11/12/14 Kieran takes 4 steps
11/15/14 K will touch his head and point to his mouth when asked to show us where they are
11/19/14 The Bug visits the beach for the first time
11/20/14 Kieran's first time dining at a "nice" restaurant
11/28/14 First time Christmas Caroling
12/04/14 Kieran watches his first parade - The Reedley Electrical Farm Equipment Parade
Favorite Photo Shoot Outtake:
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