Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Reed Says . . . Autumn 2014 Edition

Reed has a memory that blows my mind. He regularly will remember the color of a random toy, a person we've met only once, or something very specific from months ago (or even last year). Two recent examples are when he saw a picture of Dodger in the Hole at Pepe and Nonna's and told me that was the day he got a gummy worm. He was right, he had been successful going potty in the toilet for the first time and as a reward he received a gummy worm and also got to bring Dodger to Sunday dinner. He also remembered Holiday Bear from last Christmas. The thing had fallen to pieces and we tossed it out after the Holidays last year thinking there was no way he would remember it a year later - oh how wrong we were!

The Kiddo is continuing to learn more and more each day. He now can recite his ABCs and pick out most upper and lower case letters when asked. He also knows how to spell his name. Reed can count from 1 to 10 (sometimes 20) and can identify numbers 0 to 10. He also is getting a pretty good grasp on the days of the week and months in the year. His newest obsession is watching the rear view mirror in the car and seeing what letter pops up, then announcing what direction that means we are heading (North, South, etc.).

He continues to take his allergies and asthma in stride and if there is something being served somewhere he can't have, the simple explanation that it has something he's allergic to in it is all he needs. Reed has fallen in love with shell fish over the last few months and his favorites so far are lobster and shrimp. He is basically potty trained. He still struggles with self reporting when he needs to pee but as long as we take him to the bathroom every few hours he seems to do great.

The Monkey has a crazy imagination and spends a good chunk of his day making up stories/games/races involving Super Mario, Winnie the Pooh, Super Why, and Star Wars characters. His favorite games include boom ball (kicking the soccer ball around and falling over), racing, and hide and seek (he's great at hiding but doesn't understand that he needs to stay quiet). Old favorites including legos, puzzles, and anything outside are still around. He also is still enthralled with books and they are one of the few things that get him to stay in one spot for more than a minute. After we've read to him and said goodnight he "reads" in bed for about another half an hour every night.

Enough about what Reed is doing, here's what he's been saying . . .

The boys and I take Dodger on a walk almost every morning. We call the little squat dance that most dogs do before going potty Dodger's "poop dance." Dodger was having a particularly hard time one morning and Reed turned to me and asked "does Dodger have a stubborn chunk?"

After a particularly long night I asked Reed if he would go "ask Dad if he can make Mom a coffee?" The Monkey instantly responded with "can you please not say that word in my house!" Confused I asked what word he was referring to. To which he answered "the Dad word."

One night we were giving the boys a bath together and Reed told Kieran that they should "cheers peens" (penis').

Reedcito was trying to decide what sauce pouch he was going to have for a snack one day when I overheard him lean in and say to the packages "I love you so much, but I have to pick one of you."

The Monkey is slightly obsessed with watching Jon play video games. If he's done a good job listening and behaving during the day we will let him watch Jon play something before bed. So far it's been Mario 3D or Mariocart. He is obsessed with the Mario characters so I asked him which character Dad would be. His response was "well Dad has a big head and these guys have big heads so one of them (pointing to Mario and Bowser).

Jon usually does bath time with the boys but he had some friends over so I took over bath duties for the night. I had pulled Reed out of the tub and turned to grab Kieran when he pooped everywhere. Reed immediately  declared that there had been a "poop explosion!!!" When I jokingly asked if he had been the one that pooped in the tub he very exasperatedly said "I don't even know how to do that!"

I'm proud to say Reedman enjoys going to doctors' offices. This is probably because his Allergist has a table of toys he gets to choose from and always has the best time playing there. I had told him that we were taking Kieran to the doctor's office and he was pretty antsy to get on the road. He asked me "Mom, when are we going to the doctor?" as soon as I got out of the shower. I simply told him "after I get dressed," he then double checked my reasoning by asking "why Mom? Because you don't want the doctor to see you nudey?"

Currently Jon is pretty focused on getting Reed to go to the bathroom without taking his pants all the way off. Jon often asks Reed to try to go potty without taking his pants completely off. Reed has decided that he's going to leave his "pants on to go potty until I'm old like you and Mom."

It's amazing what kids pick up on and I guess since it's the Holiday season I've been talking about shopping in front of the Kiddo. I love how he interprets some things and I caught him getting mad at Kieran for messing up some DVD cases he had lined up. He said  "K-Bug don't touch these DVDs, they aren't ready to be shipped to the Internet yet."

One of my favorite moments when we were in Pajaro was when I took Reed in to wake Jon one morning and he asked Jon "where should I give you a kiss?" Jon pointed to his cheek to which Reed immediately replied "no someplace that's not hairy!!!" - good luck kid!

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