Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The October Celebrations Continue

I know, I know, the amount of Birthday related posts is getting ridiculous, but seriously there are going to be more in the next few weeks so just prepare yourself. This past weekend we hit up two Birthday parties. First, Saturday night was a 60th Birthday Celebration for Jon's Uncle Allan. Reed, Kieran, and Lyla were some of the only kids there and definitely the youngest so we planted ourselves at a table toward the side of the house. This meant we didn't get to spend a lot of time with Allan or Lynette, but the kids had a bit more space and we could let them run around together. We did get to spend time with most of the rest of the family though and were very happy we were able to attend. Auntie P took some great pictures of the Little Ones and also helped us out with them, which is always so nice. One other exciting thing happened, the boys both fell asleep in the car on the way home (about 1.5 hours past normal bedtime) and then I was able to transfer both to their beds without waking them - in four years of parenting this has never happened before!!!

High Five game with Megan and Ross

Then on Sunday afternoon was Ryland's 3rd Birthday. His Mom, Charlyse, is the ultimate party planner and out-did herself with a cowboy theme, complete with pony rides, a western themed play city, Woody and Jessie (from Toy Story) actors, and cowboy hats, bandanas, and stick horses for each of the kids. Honestly Reed was in such awe he was pretty much speechless most of the afternoon but both kids had an absolute blast and I think they would have stayed on the ponies for hours if we had let them.


Kevin and Emmett

Eden talked Lyla and Kieran out of the Saloon . . .

. . . and into the Church


Sitti Lisa and Ryland


Charlyse and Ryland


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