Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Beach Bummin' Part 1

Instead of going on their usual winter vacation Pepe and Nonna decided to rent a house in Avila for a month this year. Since Pepe has a Birthday coming up we took the opportunity to all go over for the first few days of the rental and celebrate as a family. The house is right across a, pedestrian only, road from the beach and the kids absolutely loved playing in the surf and sand and watching the ocean from the house. The first afternoon there Pepe took a spill in the ocean while holding Kieran and a phone and K's flip flop were lost. Everyone came out otherwise fine but the rest of the week Kieran would say, "Pepe fall in ocean, throw me in, he get new phone, I lost flip flop."  Regardless of his story he was more than happy to play on the beach every day and, as long as I helped him, would gladly run out to the ocean to scoop up water with the other kids.

The boys shared a room for the first time ever and did surprisingly well. Kieran averaged about one wakeup each night, which is pretty standard even at home, and Reed slept through the disruption each time. The boys were up early each morning, ready for breakfast, then more than happy to put on their swim trunks and sunscreen. The weather was amazing and it was warm enough to be in shorts most of the time. The beach activity of choice was digging a huge hole and then collecting buckets of water to dump in the hole. We did try out a few different local restaurants and had one special dinner out for Pepe. Unfortunately Kieran decided to be a nightmare that evening so I spent most of the night trying to get him to sit still and calm down and failed to get very many pictures of the celebrating.

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