Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Friday, February 5, 2016

Kieran Says December 2015/January 2016 Edition

Kieran is definitely a two year old - lots of opinions, testing boundaries, emotional ups and downs, sleeping regression, and a whole lot of energy!!! I actually have a lot of fun with the Kiddo most of the time and when we are one on one he is generally pretty easy going. His answer to most requests is "umm, shure (sure)" said in the cutest, most agreeable voice. He is very physical with his emotions which is something we are really working on. A small frustration quickly escalates into hitting and pushing in a flash and I probably say "use your words" a couple dozen times a day. Kier wants to be just like Reed and is constantly trying to copy everything his Big Brother does. He already is on a balance bike and can balance one legged on a scooter, he runs really fast, and wants to be in charge of walking Dodger whenever he can. He also wants to speak like Reed and it's fun to watch him try out different phrases. He started calling Reed, "Reedy" which is cute since it is his own special name for him. I really could talk all day about Kieran, but instead I'll let his words do the talking:

We were going to be seeing some friends one night and Eden who is basically his same age was going to be there. I asked Kieran if he was excited to see her and he replied "I be shy guy."

We've been cleaning out baby toys the last couple of weekends and Kier rediscovered Sophie the giraffe. He was obsessed with her for a few days and started taking care of her. I overheard him during breakfast say "give Sophie bite," pretended to have the toy take a bite, and then acted like she was talking and said "that's delicious!"

We were eating Chipotle on our vacation and The Bug was making a huge pile out of all of his food. When I asked what exactly he was doing he told me, very nonchalantly, "I building a house."

One day I was trying to get Kieran in the car to pick up Reed from school and he kept sliding out back onto the ground, which isn't his usual thing. Our neighbor's gardeners were blowing leaves in their front yard at the same time. Finally after the third or forth slip he gave up and said "the gardeners are blowing me over!!!"

Our espresso machine makes this really high pitched noise when Jon froths milk and Kier isn't the biggest fan. One morning when Jon was making me a latte he covered his ears and yelled over to me "that scares my ears!!!"

We have a picture of Annaliese hanging from a clipboard on our wall and Kierito will run by and say "hi Annaliese" as if she were standing right there in person and then just keep on doing what he was doing.

Kieran takes great pride in his ability to buckle himself in to his booster chair and will happily announce "I buckle me in" as he's doing it. He's not as good at unbuckling and instead will start yelling "buckle me out" when he wants down.

I had left a nickel on the kitchen counter and when The Bug discovered it he excitedly told me "that's a treasure."

We were trying to discipline Reed for some really bad behavior and we informed him that he wasn't losing a toy for just a day that instead it would be donated so a kid that would appreciate it would get it. He was super upset about the punishment but when we told him he could pick the toy he calmed down and picked a stuffed animal he doesn't play with much anymore. He then informed us that he picked that toy because he doesn't like it but Kieran does. - Ugghhh!!!

We quickly informed him we would now be choosing the toy instead - one of the clown fish from the Fair. Kier chimed in and said he liked the orange fish (apparently he had picked up on what was going on) so I then informed Reed that it would be the purple fish being donated. Tears ensued and Reed continued to cry (loudly) and scream over and over again "I pick, I pick, I pick" for the next ten minutes. Kieran tried to console him for a bit and then when he couldn't take it anymore he instead started telling Reed "I took you shish (fish) away. I pick, I pick!!!"

The boys have been taking turns wearing an apron Aunt Penny and Uncle Mark gave to Reed a few years ago. Last Sunday both were up when we were making juice and both wanted an apron. I found one of my half length aprons and instead of tying it around Kieran's waist, I draped it over him, crossed it in the back, and tied it in a bow in the front. It pretty much looked like a dress, but the coverage was great! After I was done he looked down at his getup and said "I lookin' fancy!"

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