Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

4.5 Years

Here we are, 4.5 years old, a measly six months away from the crazy milestone of FIVE years old!!! The past six months with Reed have been pretty spectacular. He has settled into his school routine really well and is constantly telling me how he tries to listen to everything the teachers tell him. One day on our way home from school he was super upset and didn't want to tell me something. I was so concerned something bad had happened at school and crazy thoughts started jumping to mind, after about 15 minutes of questioning I found out he had kept playing when the teachers told them to line up but had gotten in line when they asked a second time, he was so worried that I was going to be mad and he was disappointed in himself for not listening - if these are the types of behavioral problems we have in our future - I'll take it!!!

Reed has become so independent since his Birthday. He gets his own snacks, carries plates of food to the table, drinks out of regular cups, goes to the bathroom independently (minus the wiping), has improved his sleeping habits immensely, and is really good at listening to directions. At this point the thing he needs to work on the most is his patience with his brother and bragging. He has a tendency to make sure Kieran knows anytime he doesn't have something that he does and will also lose his mind if K dare touch a toy or game he has setup in his room. When either Jon or I have Reed one on one we are always telling the other what a great kid he's become, how fun he is to be around, and how "easy" he is. He does have a seemingly endless amount of energy and could run, play tag, kick a soccer ball, do ninja tricks, etc., etc. all day and night long, which is exhausting but also can be really fun.

Interesting Facts

Weight: 37 lbs

Height: 42 in

Clothing Size:  4T and 5T tops, 4T pajamas, 3T and 4T shorts, and pants that are 4T are starting to get a bit short, but are loose around the waist.

Shoe Size: 11

Reed likes: Doing anything outside, pretending to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and imaginary play in general, playing legos, caring for his cuddly guys, dance parties, being read books, cooking, craft projects, and going to school. Screen time favorites are The Magic Schoolbus, Super Why, and Daniel Tiger, also any video game or movie we let him watch is always a huge hit.

Reed dislikes: Kieran playing with his toys and waiting for anything.
Nicknames: Reedster, Reedcito, Buddy, Monkey, Reed-man,  Darlin', and Reeder.

Food: Favorites still include pizza, hamburgers, french fries, steak, pasta, and avocado. His top places to eat are In-N-Out and getting coconut milk from Starbucks. Reed loves fruit, hates beans and vegetables, and likes most meats and grains. He devours any dessert put in front of him and is usually willing to try new dishes as long as they aren't vegetables, but will at least try a bite of anything we ask him to. He is allergic to dairy, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, and eggs.

Communication: Reed's vocabulary continues to amaze me and I love how easy it is to understand his speech. He knows all upper and lower case letters and the sounds they make and can sound out most 2-5 letter words if asked. He is doing pretty well learning to write his letters and can consistently write his first name correctly.

Favorite Color(s): Pink and Purple 

Best Friends: Grandma, Grandpa, Nonna, and Pepe. He also said his best friend at school has always been Skylee.

How Reed is sleeping:  He goes to bed around 7:30 pm and sleeps until between 6:00 and 7:00am most mornings. He sleeps in a twin bed, with a night light and sound machine as well as 2-3 quilts, girl soft sheep, Pooh, and 2-3 other cuddly guys. He has an hour of quiet time most afternoons but usually only naps if he's sick.

Milestones over the last six months:
The Monkey got his very own library card
Reed had his first class party (and has had four more since)
Reedster has started to tell people he can't eat what he's being offered because of his allergies all on his own without even checking with me
Reedcito is now able to write his first name
He attended a Birthday party for a friend he met at school (rather than someone we know the parents of)
Reed attended his first wedding
He had his first (followed the next day by his second) performance/recital
He rode his first legitimate roller coaster
Reed now uses lidless cups for pretty much everything
He attempted skiing for the first time
Reed-man successfully shared a bedroom with his brother on three different trips

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