Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Getting in the SWING of things

I take Reed with me to go running a couple of mornings each week. He does great and will tolerate 45 to 60 minutes in the stroller before he starts to complain. Now that school is back in session and it is getting light so much later I've had to change up my route a bit to avoid the traffic congestion that surrounds the high school. This morning I decided to try parking at a different point along my route -  a park. Besides being a less traffic-y area the park has swings, slides, etc. I finished my run in good time and Jon is going to take Dodger running later so he didn't need to be walked, so we stayed in town a bit longer and played.

I honestly feel bad that this is the first time Reed has ever been on a swing, I've known for months he would love it, but our mornings are usually pretty hectic and it's been so hot that outdoor play in the afternoon is down right unhealthy. Anyway, he loved the swing right away and the only bad part of the experience was that I only had my iPhone with me. I know I could have gotten some pretty fantastic shots with my camera. Oh well, I know we will be back soon.

In case you are wondering - no, that is not his outfit for the day and yes he is wearing dinosaur pajamas, green puma shoes, and a cal poly sweatshirt in public. Sometimes function beats out fashion!!! In case you want to hear the laughter that goes along with that smile, there is also a video . . .

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