Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Thursday, October 4, 2012

It Happened

I've been debating on whether or not to write about what happened last Thursday, but obviously I've decided I should say something. Reed had an asthma attack. It's something Jon and I both knew would probably happen (Reed's allergist gave us about an 85% chance of him having it), but were so hopeful maybe our little guy would beat the odds. It was a weird twist of fate because Jon came home from work early so I could run some errands up in Fresno. On my drive up Jon called me to ask me about Reed's breathing. I told him that he had been wheezing a bit earlier in the day, but I guess Reed's wheezing had gotten worse and he was breathing really rapidly. Jon, being the veteran in the asthma department, recognized the signs and got him up to the Pediatrician right away. I felt so horrible for not being home, but at the same time wondered if I would have recognized what was going on quite as quickly as Jon did. At the worst of it Reed was breathing at about 80 breaths per minute. I met the boys at the doctor's office and they were able to start Reed on a breathing treatment there and stayed open an hour and half late so that we didn't have to go to the ER.

Nonna and Pepe met us at CVS so that we could get home while they waited for the prescriptions to be filled. We had to give him the inhalers every hour until about 11:30pm and then contiued the same treatment the next morning. We continued with reduced home treatments for the next six days and as of yesterday Reed is down to one inhaler twice a day. He's gotten really good about taking the inhalers through an MDI (metered-dose inahler) and doesn't put up much of a fight anymore, which is really good because he will be on at least one inhaler permanently.

Even though Reed was doing much better by the next day I took him up to Fresno again for a follow-up with his Pediatrician and then a consultaion with this Allergist. It was a long day and we had to wait over an hour to see the Pediatrician. Luckily Grandma came along to keep us company and Reed was able to entertain himself in the exam room for quite awhile (I think we played the magazine game for a good half an hour).

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