Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Saturday, October 20, 2012

He's Definitely a McClarty

So last year I did a post that asked who you thought Reed looks like, me or Jon. Well it was pretty obvious that Jon's genes won hands down. I was going through our baby books once again and couldn't help but see expressions and features that reminded me of our little one. Reed definitely looks way more like Jon, but there were a few pictures of me that I thought I saw a bit of a resemblance. We tried to recreate some of the pics last night.

Jon and his Dad (Pepe) in the pool
The pool is a little cold now, so the entryway had to do

Just so you know our child isn't always happy
(plus I totally think he looks like Jon here)
Sarah hanging out in 1981
Reed hanging out in 2012
Sarah loving life on the kitchen floor
The Reedster loving life next to the fireplace
We recreated this below, but I think there is a
strong resemblance to the picture of Reed above.

It's amazing how hard it is to capture, with a camera, a look you've seen on your kid's face a million times! I at least had fun trying and I very much appreciate both of my guys for putting up with me in the process. In this last picture Reed doesn't really look like Mom or Dad, just his adorable little self, but it was too cute not to share.

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